epilepsy linked to creative ability?

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I read somewhere that epilepsy has been indicated in creative and artistic ability. For example, Vincent van Gogh. I know I've seen some poetry and talk of photography, so I was wondering how many of you have a knack for these kind of things. Personally, I have no artistic ability...even my stick figures are questionable :) but I have been praised on my writing ability (short stories and essays). Just curious. For those of you that do have talent, do you think it is related to E? to your aura? to your emotions about E? or are you just plain talented?
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Rebecca is very creative. She hopes to be a dance choreographer.
Though I have never had a "seizure", I had migraines for 30 yrs, which are now classified in the seizure catagory. I am an artist.
In both of us, it came at an early age, and the need to create is very deep in our souls.
I was actually thinking of posting the very same message!!

I have often wondered if my Epilepsy is linked to my creative side, because I definitely have no one creative in my family who I take after, I love sitting and sketching during my lunchbreak at work (when I get one), I find it very relaxing and a way to chill out after a hectic morning at the office.

I am very passionate about photography, this is what inspires me to travel to remote places, I have a goal and that is to win "The wildlife photographer of the year award" for the UK, well I can dream, can't I?

I also enjoy model building, cross stitch and various other crafts such as christmas card making etc.

I probably do all of these things very badly, but I enjoy them and they keep me amused.
I cross stitch and make my own cards/3-d card models as gifts. have been classically trained in graphic design and transferred those skills to CAD when it became necessary, but am always better when releasing my frustrations out into my crafts.have always been the same. My daughter is also very artistic, and she is VERY determined, and is learning to play the violin beautiffully,despite being left handed! to the point where out of 75 children in her year, she was one of the 10 chosen to have another years worth of tuition(admittedly it will cost me) but she also has always drawn very well.she likes to draw scenery pictures,on our walks she has to take her pencils and her sketch book.my middle child (no hint of epilepsy...not an artistic bone in his body,i'm afraid...very good at maths,science,english history etc).My youngest likes to paint,he has had a 'possible,suspected' (by his father) 'absence/cp/episode' but only one, nothing further.....touch wood...think there is a possible connection.
I hadn't thought about this,

but I guess in reality, I am........

I can:
Sew (quite a bit, I have patterns everywhere)
Quilt (by hand)
Cross-stitch (with beading added, I like adapting patterns to my preference)
Play piano & organ
Play 4 saxophones
Play cello (well, I'd be REALLY rusty at this....)
Sing all 4 parts in the choir.....

Oh, and I write books........2 are currently published, with a 3d on the way, the finale in the series is started, and a humor book is also started.....



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Perhaps the same reason I believed my sister when she told me I wasn't smart.
Stupidity or being naive'.........one or the other........I can't decide which....

Now I am just flat out IRRITATED with myself........ *EYEROLL*
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Invalid Syntax Error

I am extremely multi-talented, but I won't brag about it, but
I draw, paint, crochet, macrame, knit, photography, music,
sculpturing, stained glass, and other artistic work. I also build
as in construction work - homes / businesses - doing everything
from ground up - used to be a contractor / sub-contractor and
I understand electrical, plumbing, building, et cetera - including
the Laws & Codes. The home I reside in currently, I've updated
and upgraded it to exceed the residential standards and into
commercial standards.

In spite of being profoundly deaf now, I can still play multitudes
of instruments - woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings and exotic,
because I do not play by ear, I read music. Although much of my
instruments have been sold - I mean a lot; I still have my Yamaha
Keyboard, Rhythm Sticks, Tambourine, Flute (Recorder), and at
my mom's house, my Piano and my 3x's great grandfather's Violin.
There is a location that used to be famous called Kapok Tree Inn,
which is now Sam Ashes Music Land - which I go there to play a
lot of instruments there when I'm up to it. I do have some exotic
Caribbean instruments on hand but I don't play it due to its age,
being too fragile.

I also was heavily into sports ranging from gymnastics to boxing
and from hunting to fishing for food (not for trophies). However
Epilepsy has kept me at bay and sports injuries had limited me from
participating a lot of sports, and I played quite a few rough sports
including things like Rugby, Soccer, Thai-Kick Boxing, to name a
few - so I've had my share of bang ups from there. While being in
Florida, I was on the front page twice on Skateboarder Magazine
in the 70s, once for high speed skateboarding, and the other for
trick boarding - but back then skateboarding was nothing like it is
today, so I've had my share of spills and helmets? *laughs* No
such thing back then in my days! Elbow and knee pads were for
"babies" or "Wussies" as we would call 'em.

Was in AAU in Roller Skating - both in Figure and Speed, but spent
most of the time in Speed skating until a freak accident put me out
of commission. Was also in AAU and Semi-Pro in Cycling in late 70s
and early 80s until a freak accident on my Fuji during the race that
knocked out a lot of women in that race, that I'd rather forget. Even
though I wore a helmet, back then it was plastic, I still bear the scars
from that race and as for that plastic helmet was split clean in half
and being so angry and hurt I actually kicked it that went up into the
air into the spectators, so whatever happened to it, I don't know;
Fuji bicycles were top of the line and were extremely expensive back
then and my whole front end was severely damaged, even though I
was injured, I never raced again - until recently decided to hop back
on and get back into Tour Racing again, since it's always had been
my main passion - I have the endurance, tolerance, and patience for
this type of cycling in spite of my health; I am Sponsored by multiple
Companies and Corporations. I do not ride - I fly!

As for vehicles - cars, trucks, and motorcycles - I have a passion
of restoring them, and that I did for many years; although I do not
like doing transmissions or clutches - it's not that I don't know how
to do it, I just do not like to do it, I prefer not to do it. All my vehicles
I owned, I did all the work myself - what was junk, came out lean,
mean, drooling machine! I prefer older vehicles because I don't need
a freaking manual, and many times I can rebuild the part(s) myself.
Throughout my entire 23+ years of marriage, never once I took my
car/truck/motorcycle to a shop to be repaired, the only time you'll
see me there in shop is to get parts - *laughs* - or I'm replacing
or exchanging a core.

Likewise with Computers - while I'm former certified Microsoft Tech
in Windows 95 & 98 - and former IT Tech; and beyond that I had
been with computers since 1977 when I first obtained IBM 1976
Dual Modem, Dual Drive, 8 bit Color Monitor, Epson Dot Matrix Printer,
etc - and running on the command prompt which was a US Gov
surplus that my father's boss allowed me to purchase, where I
learned on my own; via the 5.25 discs, and it grew on me from
there. Even back then, I had the privilege to 'correspond' (not
really email) with other Government Agencies (State & Fed) to
obtain information for my School work - so it was a blessing, but
it was also very, very slow. (Not to mention very heavy) But even
then, without an instructor or teacher - this was something I had
to learn on my own, from scratch, and if I see one more:

Invalid Syntax Error
A)bort? R)etry? F)ail?

One more time - I'm going to scream!


But ahhhh! Those were the old days of computers, command
prompts, echo on, echo off, invalid parse input, invalid command
line, yadda, yadda, yadda ...

Y'all have it too easy!

I used to be extremely good at playing musical instruments. I started playing the piano when I was four and was able to play by ear. I could play almost any instrument with ease as soon as would pick it up. But now, I have difficulty with every instrument I try to play. I don't know why. It may be because of my meds, or maybe brain damage, epilepsy, or maybe I am just losing skill...:eek:

I hope it's just my meds
My whole heart - entire ego - my life - everything was wrapped around my tiny "artistic" (wrong word but I can't think of another) ability. That's all I had.
But it evaporated. *poof* it's gone. Seeing that evaporating was what made me demand/beg/yell/make written pleas to my neuro for help causing that tumor to be found in 2005. The removal of the tumor seemed to take everything with it.

Even my ability to make sense, huh?
Toot your own horn much? :) :lol: (lame joke aimed at those of you with musical talents) I've always thought I got the short end of the stick when it came to artistic/creative ablility...my mom paints, sister is talented artist and pianist, dad makes beautiful and amazing sculptures and art with nothing more than scrap metal, a blow torch and a welder...One of the things he made was a life-sized elephant, it's ears are made from old tractor fenders

I've never felt that a peice of my sould was missing if I wasn't creating, but I do really enjoy it. I wanted to be an author when I was a kid. Who knows, maybe I'll persue it someday... My grandfather played the violin and all his brothers were talented musicians.

After reading all your responses, I realized I have some other talents.
*I was an accomplished gymnast (before E) and even competed on the national level. I loved it & miss being able to do it. I can still do many of the tricks, but they make me so dizzy now (I think b/c the meds). Not to mention, I'd hate to break my neck b/c I had a seizure in mid-air and fell...
*I cross-stitch, though not as much any more.
*I love to craft. Most people dread when their kid comes home with a project, but I love it. I have to watch myself, so I don't take over :)
*enjoy photography
*I think I'd enjoy painting, but have never really tried (unless you count water colors in elementary school)
*always wanted to learn to play the violin, but don't really think I have enough time to spend trying to learn
*I also inherited my 'unique' sense of humor
put me in the musician category. i have been playing bass, and guitar since i was around 11 (wow, almost 20 years nor....I'm getting old...lol). One more reason for why having epilepsy is the best!!1 ( I love that thread ).

LOL....let's see, I took voice lessons and was asked to audition with an opera company while in high school. I took piano and violin lessons. Mom never encouraged sports because of the E, but I've been told by my hubby that I'm actually pretty good on the basketball court. (Got my ribs cracked once for guarding too close... :) ) Have taken painting and sketching classes. (I don't think I'm any good...but the kids say I'm ok. ) I crochet and do cross stitching as well as needle point. I'd love to learn how to quilt, make preserves, and can food. I'm also looking into finding out how to make liquor. :) Also, I can leg press close to 450 lbs. Not bad for someone 5'3" and 140 lbs. Strong legs from years of wearing high heels. :) I love to bake. (Too hot right now.....though maybe later....an Ohio Lemon Pie...tastes like lemon meringue without the meringue. No eggs in it ....) I enjoy cooking, and tend to analyze food for seasonings.....habit picked up from my mom who is in the restaurant business. I can do basic repairs around the house, and am pretty good with a toolbox. :) I love reading, and I used to write poetry..but only when I was upset. Hmmm......yeah, I guess I'm multi-talented. :)
Heya, Skill,

Can I have that recipe for that pie????

It sounds YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'M BEGGING!!!!!!!!!:banana::banana:
Now I am wondering if it goes deeper than being "creative". Is it more personality traits, or thought sequencing (whatever that is... just made it up).
I have been told ny my nuerolgist that there is a epleptic personality if u gogle it you should get some results i did
That's kind of what I was getting at... Are we creative due to the physiological 'abnormalities' that cause the seizures?, the thought processes which may or may not be affected by the 'misfiring' neurons? Does anyone's aura serve as a muse? Do you think there's a link at all?

Last night, I had a very restless night's sleep. I had fever and chills, and woke every hour or so. I'm not usually one to remember my dreams, but I had one that I remembered after waking in the middle of the night. It was an image that's difficult to describe...rather abstract, 3-D swirls of color: red, orange, yellow... Strangely, in the dream this 'thing' was just there, existing just on the outside of the gate to our property. I found myself laying there in the dark thinking of how I could get it out of my mind and onto paper/canvas/etc. I know I didn't have a seizure, and I didn't experience my typical aura. Maybe I need a dream interpreter :lol:
I am also reading this two ways... the psychological changes that can occur due to the seizures, and the other idea that the thought processes that an individual has over time can lead to a seizure disorder. Of course in addition to other triggers.

Then you have the fact that nutritional deficiencies can have an effect on thought processes. That is what brings me back around to nutrition must be the root of many illnesses and where medicine must learn to focus.
I am also reading this two ways... the psychological changes that can occur due to the seizures, and the other idea that the thought processes that an individual has over time can lead to a seizure disorder. Of course in addition to other triggers.

Then you have the fact that nutritional deficiencies can have an effect on thought processes. That is what brings me back around to nutrition must be the root of many illnesses and where medicine must learn to focus.

I don't want to change the course of this thread, but I have found that if I eat right the Keppra side effects are much easier to deal with.

On the subject of creativity. I am taking a drawing class now over the summer quarter and having a really good time. I have never had any artistic ability whatsoever. I do really like to work with wood though. I found that when I spent more time in my shop, side effects were minimized. I had a hunch that maybe things would really get better if I used the right side of my brain even more. There is even a book out called "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" that teaches drawing and sketching. So far the class has helped greatly, at least I want to believe it has anyway. And that is good enough for me.........

This is the "gist" of my "thoughts"... that you are able to create the thought pattern that you want to see happen. Whether it be by using your brain in a new way, or using neurofeedback to help train the brain to function more efficiently.
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