If You Have To Have E Somewhere.....

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I think I have found the perfect place to have it. My new home (since September) is on the small very rural island of Molokai, tucked in between Maui and Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands chain.

The reasons it is perfect are these:
Clean air (the trade winds blow almost all the time)
Clean water (my tap water is rainwater filtered through volcanic rock. It's like a mineral supplement.)
Organic produce. Everything grown in that rich volcanic soil tastes like it is just bursting with nutrients.
Organic protein. Grass fed meat, wild caught seafood, farm fresh free range eggs, local goat dairy. Yumm.
All the stuff we shouldn't be eating (like booze, sodas, packaged junk) is super expensive being shipped in from the mainland while all the locally grown organic stuff that would be expensive at a Whole Foods urban market is cheap here.
Every day there is a free Vitamin D treatment just by walking around outside.
The world's biggest Epsom Salt bath (aka the Pacific Ocean) is right there for a treatment and warm year round.
There is never a weather related excuse to not exercise (unless a hurricane comes through.)
A very unhurried unstressed pace of life. There are no freeways or even stop lights. Drivers stop for pedestrians. If two cars get to an intersection at the same time both drivers will be motioning the other to go on ahead.
People take the time to talk to each other here. They kiss people on the cheek when introduced. They call people in their same age cohort brother and sister and older people are addressed as uncle and auntie.
There is NO noise at night (the loudest thing is the crickets) and it is really DARK at night. Both of those are good for my sleep seizures.
Electricity is insanely expensive so that is a good incentive to turn off the lights and get to sleep at a reasonable hour.
There are free yoga classes at the community center and a Lomi-Lomi massage is ridiculously inexpensive.

I am experimenting with alternative remedies in order to reduce my dependence on meds. There is this stuff that grows like crazy here called the Moringa tree. They make it into a powder and capsules. I don't think it is a miracle cure by any means but it is a great broad spectrum nutrient supplement in a very bio-available form (not a synthetic compound, it's an actual plant.) I've noticed that I am sleeping better since I started taking it (2 weeks) getting to sleep easier and waking up feeling more refreshed.

It's a place where you don't need to own a watch or use a calendar much. If something doesn't get done today, that's fine, maybe tomorrow or early next week.

I think I have found paradise.
Sure does sound like it :)

I moved to a small coastal town last year to reduce stress and aid my exercise regime by running on the beach.

Works fine for most of the year, but bloody freezing now lol

You want to get some weed growing in that volcanic soil- for medicinal purposes of course ;)
I'm working on getting a card for that. Under Hawaii law, with a card, I can cultivate up to seven plants at a time and have up to four ounces of dried herb. But they don't have dispensaries here like they did in California where I'm from. Strictly homegrown. Well everyone keeps telling us to get locally grown stuff. How much more local does it get than the back yard?
Indeed. That's a great law :)

It's a lovely plant to grow anyway, if you like gardening- regardless of it's wonderful properties.

I find singing to them helps lol
I love it! Hows that for a stress reduction technique? Singing to your herb plants while getting your vitamin D treatment. That's got to be better than any meditation.
Sounds a lot like Ireland, no such thing as time or a schedule, although I cannot say there is Clean water and like SlimBlue said its bloody cold at the moment, other than that the rain is warm all year round.
But they don't have dispensaries here like they did in California where I'm from. Strictly homegrown. Well everyone keeps telling us to get locally grown stuff. How much more local does it get than the back yard?

We have dispensaries here in Colorado. The weed is now legal in my state. But I don't want to use it. However, according to a newspaper article, it will be used in a study for E and PTSD in my state.

IMO, Colorado is paradise. We have brilliant sunny days even in winter and we get all four seasons. Plus there is nothing as beautiful as the Rocky Mountains. And one can get "high" just by being here and seeing and breathing the fresh mountain air.
Sounds like a dream! How I wish I could be there.

Having E is terrible, but boy it'd a whole heck of a lot better if you live somewhere peaceful.
Yep, I think the thing that SB's, FedUp's, and Cint's and my paradises have in common is the peacefulness.

Hey, Cint. Know anybody cultivating that Charlotte's Web type of herbal seasoning? That's a Colorado invention IIRC.
Yep, I think the thing that SB's, FedUp's, and Cint's and my paradises have in common is the peacefulness.

Hey, Cint. Know anybody cultivating that Charlotte's Web type of herbal seasoning? That's a Colorado invention IIRC.

I don't know anyone personally, but I have heard plenty about it.
Know anybody cultivating that Charlotte's Web type of herbal seasoning? That's a Colorado invention IIRC.

As far as I know, the developers have adamantly refused to release any seeds or clones :(

So you can buy the product, but the only people cultivating it from the original mothers are them and the companies that are paying them a lot to use it for CBD research.

If you do a web search for 'Charlotte's Web seeds' you'll see loads of forum posts from around the world with heartbreaking questions like 'My child has serious condition X. Please, does anyone know where I can get the seeds to grow it myself?'

If I ever get my CBD strain experiments up to similar levels as CW, I'll be giving the seeds away for the price of postage...

I'm not going to comment on their decision.

Sod it, yes I am. I find it sickening. :twocents:

PS. In case anyone wants to contend this, and tell me seedbank X supply the seeds (there are several dodgy ones that claim to stock it) I'll just add that seedbanks want your money too. I could microbrew beer, slap a Bud label on it and sell it to idiots- doesn't make it Bud though...

Sorry to hijack- just answering that question. Let's get back to the OT about 'E paradise' ;)
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I would pay the postage for the seeds and a donation toward the project. Seriously.

So, you have the means to test a given plant and determine the CBD/TCH ratio? How do you do that?

p.s. I had a really bad night last night. Two grand mals and not much restful sleep. The thought that someone is monopolizing such an important medical advancement for the loot is indeed sickening.
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Shall we move over to the MJ thread in the Library, and keep this one on topic? Coz it's a good one :)

Your description in the OP had me drooling lol I think I might take this year's holiday there and come over- always wanted to see the Hawaiian islands :)
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Shall we move over to the MJ thread in the Library, and keep this one on topic? Coz it's a good one :)

Your description in the OP had me drooling lol I think I might take this year's holiday there and come over- always wanted to see the Hawaiian islands :)
Oh, awesome. Thanks for starting that thread.

Even on a bad day like today with achey muscles and oatmeal for brains, this is a lovely place to be. So quiet. Nothing that must get done this minute. I'm looking out over a green expanse that goes all the way to the sea on three sides. It's a little cloudy and rainy today but that's fine cuz I'm staying in in my PJs.

Molokai is very unlike the experiences that a lot of visitors to Hawaii have (the five islands in six days package deals). From what I have heard, Molokai is like what all of Hawaii used to be back in the 60's before air travel became something for everyone.
That thread was started a long time ago lol and not by me- but it's certainly been very active ;)

Ahhh it sounds beautiful. Right, I'm definitely coming over :)
I think I have found the perfect place to have it. My new home (since September) is on the small very rural island of Molokai, tucked in between Maui and Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands chain.

The reasons it is perfect are these:
Clean air (the trade winds blow almost all the time)
Clean water (my tap water is rainwater filtered through volcanic rock. It's like a mineral supplement.)
Organic produce. Everything grown in that rich volcanic soil tastes like it is just bursting with nutrients.
Organic protein. Grass fed meat, wild caught seafood, farm fresh free range eggs, local goat dairy. Yumm.
All the stuff we shouldn't be eating (like booze, sodas, packaged junk) is super expensive being shipped in from the mainland while all the locally grown organic stuff that would be expensive at a Whole Foods urban market is cheap here.
Every day there is a free Vitamin D treatment just by walking around outside.
The world's biggest Epsom Salt bath (aka the Pacific Ocean) is right there for a treatment and warm year round.
There is never a weather related excuse to not exercise (unless a hurricane comes through.)
A very unhurried unstressed pace of life. There are no freeways or even stop lights. Drivers stop for pedestrians. If two cars get to an intersection at the same time both drivers will be motioning the other to go on ahead.
People take the time to talk to each other here. They kiss people on the cheek when introduced. They call people in their same age cohort brother and sister and older people are addressed as uncle and auntie.
There is NO noise at night (the loudest thing is the crickets) and it is really DARK at night. Both of those are good for my sleep seizures.
Electricity is insanely expensive so that is a good incentive to turn off the lights and get to sleep at a reasonable hour.
There are free yoga classes at the community center and a Lomi-Lomi massage is ridiculously inexpensive.

I am experimenting with alternative remedies in order to reduce my dependence on meds. There is this stuff that grows like crazy here called the Moringa tree. They make it into a powder and capsules. I don't think it is a miracle cure by any means but it is a great broad spectrum nutrient supplement in a very bio-available form (not a synthetic compound, it's an actual plant.) I've noticed that I am sleeping better since I started taking it (2 weeks) getting to sleep easier and waking up feeling more refreshed.

It's a place where you don't need to own a watch or use a calendar much. If something doesn't get done today, that's fine, maybe tomorrow or early next week.

I think I have found paradise.

Oh, hush! :p I lived on the Big Island for about a year in the 90's and loved it! Think of us poor saps stuck here on the mainland while you bask in the island breezes. :)
It's strange isn't it. I would love to live in Hawaii. Some of my relatives do.

My mother hated living there. I don't know why and she never told me.

I have always wanted to live in Hawaii.
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