Leaving Keppra = Starting Lamictal

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OK, big time nervous here! :paperbag::huh::tdown::dontknow:

Due to several issues, I am going to start to ramp down off Keppra and be started on Lamictal as of today. It will take 5 weeks to ramp up on Lamictal to 200 mg per day. I don't know if it will go higher after that. The Keppra has been reduced to 1000 mg per day for that period and it will eventually go away.

The reason for the change is that I am having a terrible time with cognitive thought. Focus and concentration seem to be out the door for me. This has been an issue for me for many years, but never anywhere near this extent. Simple tasks like this message take me a long time to type. The finished message may not sound too confused, but it takes awhile to put it all together. I usually don't realize how long something is taking me until I get done, if I ever get done.

I have also been experiencing a lot of shakiness, trembling, and what seem like myoclonic jerks. He also suspects that I may be having Simple Partials, though this is not confirmed by any tests. I had suspected these, but pinpointed them more this fall watching sports. I would miss a play or two and wonder how it went from 1st down to 3rd down. My speaking has also slowed. Not just normal yacking, but when I am trying to get a point across or describe something.

Along with the med change comes the joy of NO Driving for awhile. I don't like that, but understand the reality and will abide by it. It shouldn't be for more than 2-3 months (fingers crossed). Better than forever.

My Neuro seemed to think that my body had simply ran its course on the Keppra and it was not my best option for the future. He also lowered my Dilantin (Phenytek) to 500 mg because my levels were testing too high. They are back to normal now.

So after 5+ years without a tonic-clonic, I am going to risk a change. I trust my Neuro and think he is right. I can't keep going spending portions of my day in a stupor with no ambition, initiative, or energy to do much of anything.

One other scary thing is that I don't really remember ever having the SPs or Myoclonics like I am having now. I know my focus was avoiding TCs and auras for 22 years before Keppra, but even then I don't remember these types of symptoms.
Best of luck to you

I hope things go better for you with your new meds.

Try not to get too stressed as stress contributes to the probability of having a seizure.

Good luck BF
Welcome to the Lammy Club!

:hello: Buck-O!

Welcome to the Lammy Club! Now I am not


And yes, it takes time and it sure is one heck
of a slow titration isn't it? They really have to
go slow with this medication, especially you have
to watch for the rashes!

So far, I only experienced a very mild headache
on the first pill, but after that - it's been absolutely
wonderful, and the titration goes up gradually,
partially because I am hyper-sensitive to meds,
so I'm going to be slow on this one.

In addition, I guess this means, I think, we have
2 Mods now on the Lammy Club? Am I not right?

Awwww, Buckeye

I'm sorry.

I'll be thinking of you, though, as you make the switchover. I do hope it goes well for you. I really, really do.


Take a cooling breath

OK, big time nervous here! :paperbag::huh::tdown::dontknow:


One other scary thing is that I don't really remember ever having the SPs or Myoclonics like I am having now. I know my focus was avoiding TCs and auras for 22 years before Keppra, but even then I don't remember these types of symptoms.

Take it one day per day. If you let yourself stress out too much you will get a load of complexities. You will have programmed them into your subconscious. I understand your anxiety having to deal with side effects I do not like with keppra.:shake:

But hey if you get with a clearer mind and more self assurance that can only be good, even if you do pay with a TC in the transition period for it.:paperbag:

Take care of yourself and the ones you love.

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I do hope that this is the answer to your problems. I always thought you were one of the few that found your AED, and life was hunky dory afterwards.
Rebecca tried Lamictal. It didn't like her very much.

Good luck with the change over
... I always thought you were one of the few that found your AED, and life was hunky dory afterwards. ...

Participating in forums does tend to give that impression (that very few get on well with an AED), doesn't it? Sometimes, it's hard to believe statistics that 40-60% of epilepsy patients do well with a single AED (or even the first one they try!). It's just that forums will naturally attract the folks who need more help. It's not a complete demographic of the epilepsy population IMO.

Good luck with the switch BF. You will likely notice subtle side effects you just got used to dissappearing when you wean off the Keppra. I see people posting anecdotes like this all the time when they wean off a drug they have been taking for years.

... I have also been experiencing a lot of shakiness, trembling ... He also lowered my Dilantin (Phenytek) to 500 mg because my levels were testing too high.

High Dilantin levels can cause shakiness and trembling.
I wish you the best of luck with the change - with the least possible side effects and NO problems!! I know what it's like to go through the med changes and adjustments, which always seems to be such a long process and a waiting game. Hopefully, before you know it, things will be well with the Lamictal and you'll be driving again. You'll be in my thoughts. Please keep us updated. Sincerely, Josie :)

P.S. - I know everyone is different, but after the recurrence of my seizures and auras after my surgery, Lamictal was the first med to stop them completely.
I hope your change goes well. My son on lamictal since 2006. Its the only med we've ever tried. He takes 150 mg 2x a day. It takes time to wean onto it and it takes time to adjust to it, BUT after the first several (4-7) months he says it really didnt effect him. I think I notice it affecting his appetite. He seems to have lost weight. He is thin to begin with so we are working on that part. But it seems hes just rarely hungry. He has only had grand mals (that we know of) and the lamictal does great. IF he takes his meds, he does not seize. He's in his second year of College and doing pretty well.

My daughter has started on lamictal as well. She has myoclonics and one grand mal. Shes not upto theraputic dosage yet and still in the adjusting stage. It takes time*

I wish you well and an easy swtich*


I sure hope you do well once you're on Lamictal. I tried Lamictal about 10 years ago,and I sure felt better while taking that med than I do with Keppra, but it didn't do much for seizure control for me like the Keppra has. Sorry you won't be able to drive for a while.

I was taken off lamictal because it can cause myoclonic seizures. And after my infection The doc put me on it and it made it worse. So please be aware.And good luck.
Good luck with the change in meds Buckeye
Good luck. I'd love to stop taking Keppra and I've already told my Neuro. I even told him I would consider Lamictal as a replacement. The side effects of Keppra are ridiculous.
Goes to tell you. What works for one person may not work for another. Thank God we are not all the same.
Wanna race?


And they're off ... into the first turn, the Florida gazelle has a lead, but the Clydesdale from Ohio is plodding along right behind her ... What's that? The Clydesdale stopped to eat???

This could be an interesting race folks!
Lammy & Blood Level Checked

Bucky - Now I'm on 100 mg ...

Zonegran 400 mg, Lamictal 100 mg,
Clonezapam 1.5 mg, Folic Acid 2 mg

Blood Level checked Thursday ....

When do you get yours done?

PS: You need a better horse than a Clydesdale!
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