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Hi there,

I just got off Klonopin after 8 years of use and I was put on Trileptal, that don't work.. now I am put on Neurontin.

Anyone taking this? I hope it works. Lately I have been feeling like I'm plugged into a wall.. anyone ever feel that? Is it a side effect of Neurontin?

Hi Billy,

My Neurologist put me on Neurontin in November 2009 but I was only on it for 12 months & hated being on it. The Neurontin didn't help control my partial seizures & out of the 5 AEDs I've taken over the years Neurontin was the one I had the worse side effects on.
While I was on Neurontin I always felt tired so used to often have a nap in the afternoon & still get a good nights sleep, it also affected my moods & could either cry or scream at someone at the drop of a pin.

Once I was taken of the Neurontin I wasn't so tired all the time & was abck to being my normal happy self :).

I hope the Neurontin does help with your seizures & you don't get too many side effects from it.
Thanks~ I have heard many say that. I was on it years ago, but I forgot if it helped or not. I'm running out of medicine options.. I have been on Keppra, Klonopin, Valium, Trileptal.. I may be tried on Depakote next.. if Neurontin don't help any.
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