Questions about Prozac

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I went to my doctor today, I've been trying to deal with alot of stuff lately, and have been having alot of emotional/attitude problems. I go from being "me" to being super bi*** in about 2.2 seconds. Then all of a sudden, I am in tears, then I am back to me again. I wrote to my neuro (they have an online question/answer place) I was pretty concerned, and have been pretty depressed over the last few weeks. Anyway, the answer I got back from them suggested I see my local doctor as they were "not able to deal with emergency situations". I got in to see my Doc today, and of course she is aware of my seizure history, I explained all the other stuff that was going on, and how moody I am. She gave me a script for Prozac, but I am kinda leary of taking it. I don't like all the stuff I read in the papers from the pharmacy describing it. Mainly, there were suggestions in it saying it may cause seizures ( at least that's the way I read it ). I also have an appointment on the 24th of this month to see a psychologist...suggested by my doc. My problem is, I have a pretty demanding job, where my mental state could have a pretty dramatic effect on my overall performance...I am a turbine operator at a larger power plant, and have to keep a close eye on alot of equipment. I don't want to start taking some med that is going to cause me to go into some kind of zombie state or something. I've had problems with that in the past. I was taking Tegretol, and an anti depressant. But I was having a pretty lousy life, felt like a walking zombie. So, of my own accord, I weaned myself of both of them. That's when the last seizure hit me about 3 or 4 months after I had quit taking them. Now, my life is in more than a tizzy. I am back on seizure meds (Keppra this time) So far, it hasn't been too bad, I don't feel like I need to sleep all the time. On the Tegretol, I was tired ALL the time.

Anyway, I guess I am wondering if others out there take Prozac, what are the pros and cons? Should I start this stuff, or try to tuff it out..actually, I don't think tuffing it out is an option, I feel like I am walking a pretty narrow way right now, and alot of stuff is creeping up on me, and I just don't think I can handle it without some kind of help......

Thanks, again people, for listening, and for trying to help. I DO appreciate it.

You might try Vit B6 first. It is highly recommended for the Kepprage that is felt.
I don't blame you for being worried about taking Prozac. They are all very strong brain meds, and truly it is hard to understand that the powers that be, really know how all of the meds interact.

I would be careful of drugs that have a side effect of depression and suicidal thoughts.
Did you discuss your concerns with your doctor during your appointment?
I would agree with RobinN. Try vit. B6 first then see what else there is. You can also ask your doctor if there are any other drugs she can prescribe that will do the same thing but are not known to have the same problems as Prozac. I would recommend that you first look up anything you're prescribed though.

Also, good idea seeing a psychologist instead of a psychiatrist. You'll learn to deal with the problem at hand without a prescription.
Yes Keppra is known for making people moody/cranky, and taking vitamin B6 is known to help with the moodiness.

While Prozac won't make you a zombie, I would avoid taking an anti-depressant if you can find another way to improve your moods. Some studies have found that doing regular exercise and talk therapy is just as successful as taking an anti-depressant.

Hi cjole,

I take Keppra and it is known for depression/mood swings. I also take Zoloft, instead of Prozac and haven't had any drug interactions. They say that people with epilepsy should not take SSRI's because they could lower the seizure threshold, but so far, I haven't had a problem. Exercising is an excellent, natural way to raise your own seritonin level. But sometimes our brains need an extra "boost" to help us out.

I hope you find the help you need.
I am on Keppra. I have been on it a little over a year. I did have some moodiness issues when I started and when my meds were adjusted. I am hopefully that I am at a good level now. I also take Cymbalta. I actually take the cymbalta for nerve pain, but I do get an added benefit that it seems to help stablize my moods and put me on an even level when it comes to my moods. I have dealt with depression for several years and have tried various meds, but never prozac. All the doctors said prozac was their least favorite antidepressant. I would ask if you could try a milder antidepressant.
Getting my Keppra level to the right level and getting seizures under control does a LOT to improve my mental state.
I started taking Keppra in November, after my seizure. I had previously been taking Tegretol, for about six and a half years, and was seizure free on that. As I said, I weaned myself off that and the antidepressant I was taking at the time (don't remember now what it even was) I had been off the meds for about 3 or 4 months before I had the seizure, so I guess that I have to admit that I have got a seizure condition. From what?, I will probably never know. However, after the seizure in Nov, they put me on Keppra. I do think I had a breakthrough in Jan., which never happened on the Tegretol, but they upped my Keppra. I had no witness that I had a seizure, but I woke up between my bed and the wall, and I have no idea how I got there. I was hyperventilating, and couldn't really figure out what was going on, but after I thought about it, I thought it was a seizure.

I wasn't having any emotional problems until about the last two months, so I haven't been on any antidepressant. However, much has changed in my life in just the last few months, and I am having problems dealing with alot of it. My job has changed, I am now "frozen" in my position, as all the other jobs at the plant require me to work at heights, and climb ladders, and that's a restriction my doctor has given me. A very good friend has lost her battle with cancer, and it's been tough dealing with everything at once. But I really don't believe my "moodiness" has so much to do with the Keppra as it does with just life in general. I don't share my personal feelings with very many people, and keep almost everything to myself. I am single, and have my 89 year old step-dad living with me, and that also adds to the stress I have to deal with. Not that he's really a problem. He pretty much takes care of himself, there are things he can't do that I have to help with. But, it adds to my problems just feeling that I am responsible for making sure he's ok, and all that comes with that.

So, I am not attributing my moods to the Keppra, more, I would say with my inability, and just plain refusal to tell people what I really feel. That's why the doc referred me to the psych. hoping that maybe I will be able to share with her what is going on, and why I am having problems with life in general. Im not sucidal, that's never been an option... I am just plain angry and frustrated. I need a wall to beat on!!

I will give the B6 a try though, that sounds like it could be a viable option, and from what I have read here, many people seem to say that. I also did start the Prozac this morning. I'll keep my fingers crossed on that, as I don't see the psych. until the 24th.

I do have the next two weeks off. So, at least by then I should have some idea how things will go. I have got a very close friend that I spend most of my free time with, and she has been with me every step of this rotten path, so if things get out of hand, she'll realize and help me out there.

Thank you, all, for your input.

I was told that 90% of seizures cannot have the origin or cause determined. )Idoiapathic, I know that is the wrong spelling. My neuro told me that he has a strong opionion on what he thinks might have caused me to start having seizures at age 47, but no way to prove it.
I did some research and found a lot of positives when it came to Keppra in comparsion to other seizure meds. But at the same time, it seemed seizures and effects of meds can vary greatly from one person to the next.
Stress is certainly a big trigger for most and sounds like you have had a lot of that for months...that's not good.
Best of luck, let us know how you are doing
We added a psychologist to Rebecca's medical team early on (3 yrs ago), and it was the best decision we have made. Our HMO worked in this situation. We were given three choices of names, and I picked the one nearest the grocery store. Sounded like a nice name too. She has been there when no other doctor would have been. She called us after hours to find out how Rebecca was. She has allowed me to vent when I thought I would punch a hole in the wall. I highly recommend getting this support system in place. We chose a psychologist over a psychiatrist. I wanted Rebecca to be able to talk through her difficulties.

Anti deppressants were suggested at one point, but after my research we decided to stop the AED and the deep depression was eliminated. I learned how nutrition can improve your sense of well being.
Punching holes in walls...hmmm believe it or not, I have actually been known to do that! But, that's another story...

I do realize I need someone to talk to things about. However, I have a VERY hard time letting people into my personal space. There aren't many people I trust with my "innermost", those things I keep to me and me alone. My best buddy gets alot of it, but even she doesn't know or understand alot of it. I have seen this psych. before, I was looking into lap band surgery, and spent some time with her. In fact when my doc insisted on me seeing someone, I picked her because I actually felt kind of comfortable with her. We'll see though, cuz I have walls that I don't let anyone look over, and some I don't even let people touch on. I take care of me, I don't "need" anyone to take care of me.

Sound horrible, don't I? I guess I probably am. I am very moody, VERY stubborn, and extremely tempermental. Nooo, I am actually a pretty good person, least I try to be. I think most people who know my actually think I am pretty nice. I try to get along with people, and don't try to cause trouble, but no one is going to push me around either, And I actually hold my temper pretty well, but when I AM angry, better watch out!

Anyway, I will try my best to talk to this lady. I know I need someone to talk to, and sometimes it's easier with people who aren't really involved in your life. They listen, and try to help you look at things objectively. Point out things you don't see or don't want to see, and need to.

However, I don't know what my insurance will cover, so that may be a problem. I think they only cover so many visits or something. My employer offers somekind of crisis help thing too but I am leary of that. I don't like the idea of someone workng for the company knowing things about me that my mother didn't even know...

Anyway, looks like I am rambling, and I actually think I am getting tired, so I'll try to get some sleep (what a joke that's been lately!) Shiftwork plays hell on regular sleep patterns, let me tell you. Got off nights on Monday night, and I am still in the 3:00 am lunchtime mode... I m pretty hungry right now. LOL.

I appologize for getting so off on everything....but thanks for giving me somewhere to do that!

Ok, here it is from the poster child.

Prozac is related to the family of quinolone drugs used for antibiotics such as cipro and Levaquin. You can read about it at this link:

The side effects that you want to avoid with quinolone drugs are seizures and inflammation related to tendon tears. I was shocked to learn that anti-depressants can be related too. I encourage you to find another way.
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