EEG Neurofeedback - Stacy's first experience

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1. What types of seizures (and how frequent) were you experiencing before starting the alternative treatment?

Stacy was experiencing:
  • TCs approximately once every two years
  • multiple absence seizures daily
  • myoclonic jerks sporadically (at least once a week IIRC)
  • simple partial seizures that she never talked about (or knew that they were seizures)

2. What AEDs (medications) had you tried prior to the alternative treatment?

Stacy had tried (and quit) numerous medications over the years, mostly because she just has a strong aversion to taking (any) drugs. She had just recently quit her latest AED before starting the EEG neurofeedback.

3. How long did you try the alternative treatment?

Stacy started with 3x weekly neurofeedback sessions for the first couple of weeks and then went to 2x weekly sessions for a total of approximately 5-6 months.

4. If the treatment requires active participation, how diligent were you in applying it?

We were extremely diligent in making her session appointments. I do not believe that we missed a single session.

5. What changes (improvements or otherwise) occured with your seizure control with the alternative treatment?

For the first 3-4 months or so, it did not appear that the EEG neurofeedback was having any effect whatsoever. We could not see any tangible results. We almost gave up on it, but we decided to see it through.

Around 5 months, we started noticing sudden and dramatic changes. Stacy's absence seizures stopped and she was thinking more clearly. It was like a light switch had been turned. We continued for a few more sessions and stopped going when Stacy had been completely seizure free for a couple of weeks.

She went four years without any seizures after that. She started having seizures again after childbirth, but I think she would not have had any seizures ever again (well, at least until the menopause hormone show) if we had not started a family.

6. What (if any) adverse effects/events did you experience with the alternative treatment?


7. How much did it cost you to implement the alternative treatment?

Altogether, I think it cost us roughly $5-6,000 out of pocket. That's both session fees and gasoline for the hour drive each way for every session.


This was Stacy's first experience with EEG Neurofeedback (on a NeuroCare Pro system) when she was roughly 25 years old.

We are trying it again (now that we have finished having kids) and I'll post her second experience after it is complete (pass or fail).
EEG training program medical care is known to support the improved formation of the essential communication pathways within the brain. Neurofeedback medical care has conjointly repeatedly incontestable that it will facilitate patients to a lot of effectively accept a range of emotional issues and conditions, further as addressing several physical ailments. better of all, it's ready to give this relief to folks while not pain, while not invasive procedures, and while not the necessity to require expensive and probably harmful prescribed drugs.

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