[MAD] Modified Atkins Diet for Children with Epilepsy that doesn't respond to meds

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This study followed about 100 kids with severe epilepsy -- all had seizures every DAY, and all were on at least 3 meds. All the kids in the study continued their seizure meds. Half of the kids were put on the MAD diet, and the other half ate normal food.

After 3 months, the kids on the diet had fewer seizures than the kids not on the diet.

30% of the kids on the diet had 90% or higher reduction in seizures.:clap:
52% of the kids on the diet had at least 50% reduction in seizures.

For more information on the Modified Atkins diet for seizures as well as the classic Ketogenic Diet for seizures and the MCT diet for seizures, you can go the the Charlie Foundation website or the Matthew's Friends website.

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