Puzzle for you

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PM your answer to me and I will let you know if you are right. Please don't enter the answer in the thread so others may enjoy the puzzle. HAVE FUN.

Please look at the math below:

They say only people with an IQ 120 and over are able to figure this out.

2 + 3 = 10
7 + 2 = 63
6 + 5 = 66
8 + 4 = 96

9 + 7 = ????

By the way I got it right. :rock:
I've pm'ed a guess. Hope it's right! Math is not my strong point...
Yeah I PM'd too. i think i got it right, and i think it was only by chance if i did. I saw something right away and just acted on it without making sure it worked with any of the other numbers....
I've sent you a post Buck.

I usually don't try to think too hard about things but enjoyed the puzzle.

Looking forward to some more puzzles/quizes. :pop:
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I gave this to a person I work and all he said was '2+3 doesn't equal 10 so there can be no answer'.

2 + 3 = 10
7 + 2 = 63
6 + 5 = 66
8 + 4 = 96

9 + 7 = ????

Answer: 144
I was going to PM the answer to Buckeye (same as Brain:agree:) but I could not figure out how to do it. Did I get it right???
Is 144 right?

That's what I got, so I must be pretty smart. I'm good at math.
The answer to the solution and how it adds, err multiplies up


Here's how the puzzle works:

which means

How did that come to being?


etc ... follow the pattern?

So the final answer is:

now 9+7=?


That was a tricky one, I got a good one.

Jimmy's mother had 4 children. She named the first child Monday. She named the second child Tuesday. The third child is named Wednesday. What is the name of the fourth child?

I didn't get this one. Can you? :ponder:

PM me for the answer.

Norm Beam
Lol i know what it is! Had to think about it for a couple of secs though :p
You guys aare way too smart.

Jimmy's mother had 4 children. She named the first child Monday. She named the second child Tuesday. The third child is named Wednesday. What is the name of the fourth child?

I didn't get this one. Can you? :ponder:

PM me for the answer.

Norm Beam

Every one got the correct answer....except me.:paperbag:

For answering the correct question, you have all won a free desk top wallpaaper of PeeWee Herman wearing a speedo.

For the web site with more difficult questions go to:

And I graduated from grade 12, and it only took me 5 times.:scholar:

Norm Beam
I've got one too:

A man on horseback rides into town on Friday
3 days later he rides back out of town on Friday

How is this possible???

PM me the answer
I wonder what tthe horses name was.

I've got one too:

A man on horseback rides into town on Friday
3 days later he rides back out of town on Friday

How is this possible???

PM me the answer

Hi valeriedl. The horsese name was Friday, but I can't take credit. I have heard
that one before. An oldie but a goody.

Sorry for giving the answer away, I was sure I sent a private post.
Thanks valeriedl.

Have a good one.
Norm Beam
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