
  1. N

    [Research] Scientists ‘edit’ DNA to correct adult genes Perhaps this could be useful for gene therapy in the future for epilepsy? I just thought I'd share it...
  2. CarrieH

    Genetic Factors

    My mom was adopted at an early age. She was one of 13 kids born in the mountains of Kentucky. We eventually met up with her siblings when I was 18 back in 1996. I lived in Texas and we made the trip to KY to meet everyone. Over the years I've heard about certain people having a history of...
  3. brain

    Risk Factors Associated with Genetics / Mitochondrial?

    I am going to be a Grandma; as my son and his wife will be having "my" 1st grandchild (*grins*) this late Fall. The problematic issue is this now at this stand- point; at first they informed the Mama-to-be that there were nothing to worry about - "all will be fine". Until they did further...
  4. Birdbomb

    First Gene Discovered For Most Common Form Of Epilepsy
  5. Bernard

    Npas4 - master switch for balancing the brain

    Balancing the brain Of course big pharma will look to see how the system can be controlled with pharmaceuticals, but I wonder how much we can influence this with a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Bernard

    Healthy lifestyle triggers genetic changes

    This isn't specific to epilepsy, but I found it extremely interesting - confirming something I have long suspected - that diet, environment and lifestyle may be more important variables for health problems than so called genetic risk factors. Healthy lifestyle triggers genetic changes: study
  7. Bernard

    Epilepsy and Genetics

    Researchers identify new childhood-onset epilepsy disorder and its genetic cause Finding may also shed light on cause of autism Researchers from the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) and the Clinic for Special Children (CSC) in Strasburg, PA, have described a new childhood-onset...
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