
  1. F

    help with seizures

    hi there, i ve been having undiagnosed seizures for the past nine years since i had my first child,(read profile to get full story) ive only just been referred to a neurologist now as the doctors ive had in the past have been useless. but lately they have got worse i'm having partial seizures at...
  2. DayDreamer

    Epilepsy and Diabetes type 1

    I have been confused and asking many questions for the past decade trying to control hypoglycemia after my diabetes diagnosis. My hemoglobin always comes back as a beautiful number at my quarterly endocrinology visits, but that is due to it averaging. I want my brain to be functional in twenty...
  3. RobinN

    Seizures caused by Low Blood Sugar

    http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/blood-s.htm http://epilepsy.about.com/od/medicationsandtreatments/a/treatment.htm
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