Covid booster

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Heavy Kevy

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Ugh. Got my booster shot Tuesday night. Felt ok until noon on Wednesday. Then exhaustion kicked in. Miserable day, couldn’t sleep but couldn’t keep my eyes open either. My first two shots were Pfizer but the booster was moderna. I have no idea if it made a difference.
Not what I needed after a tough month of seizures and a change to my medication.
It’s getting so frustrating feeling completely useless during the busy holiday season.
All three of my shots were Pfizer. No reaction to the first two, but boy was I walloped by the booster. Couldn't get warm enough to sleep, then spent a lot of the next day on the couch with a sore back and headaches. My shoulder was stiff and sore for 4 or 5 days). On the upside -- it shows that my immune system works!
All 3 of my shots were the Moderna and the second shot made me tired but when I got my booster it wiped me out making me
exhausted, body ache and a wicked migraine headache for almost 2 days but I'm glad I got all of the shots especially where I live
by Cornell University just one day the staff and students got 400 cases of the virus and now the college in on Red Alert.
I'll get my booster soon. I plan to get Pfizer. The only side effect I've had (thankfully) with the injections is a sore arm.
Wife and I got the booster last week. One night of fever and one day of achy malaise and then we were back to normal. Youngest son just got his booster yesterday. Oldest son should be getting his soon.
Booster has knocked me out here for three days now. Pfizer. One day I had a fever, not too high though, and my poor body ached everywhere. Was sleeping half days. This booster has been worse than my other 2. 😫
No probs here with all 3 shots except for a sore arm. I got a flu shot in the other arm when I got the booster. 2 sore arms. :ROFLMAO:
I got my booster on 12/22. The only side effect I had was a sore arm--that lasted until the next morning.
Got all 3 shots without side effects. It just so happens that two days before the booster, at work I was exposed and got covid. Fortunately the only effect it had on me was some congestion. I would have had no idea if my wife hadn't gotten it as well. My daughter, of course got it as well. Everyone is doing well, though.
We'll be taking our younger son (he's 15) for his booster soon. Then the whole family will have had all 3 shots
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