Lost my job today

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Yeap. It's been roughly 6 weeks since I started this new job and things just haven't worked out. Between my schizophrenia acting up and having to take sick time, not making enough progress, and not fitting the personality desired by my employer, I was let go. But I don't feel bad. I'm more stressed about money. My credit cards are all maxed out. I don't know where the money will come from to make the payments. I guess I will have to borrow money from family. Oh well.

I have an interview lined up tomorrow for a job back home in Orlando, but I'm still worried. I don't feel up to working anymore. I'm ready to hold up the flag. But my family tells me I have to act fast and find a new job. That's dangerous.

I'm tempted to go on disability. All these med changes and health problems and doctors visits just don't fit well to holding down any type of job. What do you think?

This is so bad because I NEED to see the damn doctor and now I am faced with moving again so I won't be able to. I can't see the doctors and get the treatmenet I need if I keep F------ MOVING.
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Hi Res,

I'm so sorry you lost your job but your employer can't let you go if you have only been there a short time and I know you haven't been living in your area that long. What you need to do is get a note from any of your Drs. from the past or present to show your employer the proof that you have seizures and if they let you go because of that they can be in a lot of legal trouble.

In regards to going on disability you will need to speak with and see you Dr. along with a state Dr. then have a hearing. Be sure to get a lawyer who works disability cases. My husband had to go on disability after have back surgery and his employer throwing him out of his job. He had to have 3 hearings before the state approved of his disability.
I wish you only the best of luck and May God Bless You!

very sorry to hear about the job.I do hope you find a new one soon, but I think you should put your health first.
So sorry to hear about your job.
Just curious was it casual or a permanent position?
Also were you on trial?

The disability question is a difficult one, especially as I don’t know how your disability works and how much you’d get etc.
Do you get any type of insurance on disability?

For me if I was in your shoes with epilepsy and schizophrenia I’d probably try for the disability if I felt my health was affecting my work. I do work now but only part time because full time got to much for me and i can’t get disability on just my epilepsy alone.
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Job was a contract position. As far as I was concerned, I should not have been bound by any specific rules regarding how much time I was allowed to take off, but apparently my boss disagreed and that's all that mattered. I was a full-time, professional engineer, but being a contractor, I was paid hourly, and the expectations were I showed up at 8:30 everyday and worked until exactly 5:30pm. Pretty ridiculous. I got sick of it. I'm not sorry to leave this job.

My disability insurance would've been through work, so it would've been pointless.

I talked with family tonight and it looks like I'll be moving back home so applying for disability is an option. I will be able to live with family. And I'm going to declare bankruptcy to deal with my debt. That'll be fun.
My disability insurance would've been through work, so it would've been pointless.

I talked with family tonight and it looks like I'll be moving back home so applying for disability is an option. I will be able to live with family. And I'm going to declare bankruptcy to deal with my debt. That'll be fun.
So sorry you have to go through this.
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