Parents of the year

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Parents of the Year Part 1



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Parents of the Year Part 2



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Parents of the Year Part 4


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These are bad, but I did have to laugh at the duct taped child. Please don't think that I am a bad parent, but it just struck me as funny.
These are actualy funny pics that were emailed to me & none of these were really awarded parent of the year.

I'm sorry if any of these pics have upset anyone & if you like I can delete the thread.
I wasn't upset, I just couldn't believe how some parents have no common sense and put their children in danger. I did think that some of these were funny. Thank you for the laugh, it always helps to laugh.
I wasn't upset, I just couldn't believe how some parents have no common sense and put their children in danger. I did think that some of these were funny. Thank you for the laugh, it always helps to laugh.
I'm glad I didn't upset you TM.
There were some pics in there that were a bit too silly & some which were funny. I'm wondering if some like the one where the kid is looking like he is about to fall of the cliff were done with trick photography.

I'm glad I was able to make you laugh. I am a strong beleiver in laughter & usualy try to see the positive side in most things.
Well we can always duct tape
members *grins*

I'm wondering if some like the one where the kid is looking like he is about to fall of the cliff were done with trick photography.


I do hope so...:roflmao:
Oh I did. My lips didn't fit on my face until I was 30. LOL My teeth looked terrible cause I was always having gum surgery. lol I'm sorry if I offended anyone. My little boy has the underbite and is really short he's so cute to me. But you know, other kids make fun of him sometimes. He will grow into himself.
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