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Super Mom
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Started thinking we could get off easy this month and BAM, Rebecca was hit with another one tonight.
She was at school all afternoon and tonight for a dress rehearsal for a dance show she is in Thurs, Fri and Sat. I got a call around 7:30.

She ate at school tonight, so I am not sure what the ingredients were. It is a local restaurant that is well known to not make junk food. However I am sure the girls were given as much soda as they wanted. Problem is, Rebecca has no memory from lunch on.
Makes it very hard to figure out auras, and the lead up to the event. Her friend said she was dizzy prior to do their dance. She had the seizure when finished and sitting for the rest of the rehearsal to be over with.

She is also on the end of her period. My doctor seems to think that the progesterone she is using two weeks on and two weeks off, should be given every day. I guess I should request that she be tested for hormones more often. I am worried that her body will begin to make them and the additional bio-identical ones will be over kill. I am told that you know when you have too much, since you are more tired. I would say that is true for an adult that has had years of experience with how they are to feel, month to month. However, for a young teen to know what is normal tired, and what is tired brought on by hormones or by AED's makes it rather difficult.

I'm grumpy...
Started thinking we could get off easy this month and BAM, Rebecca was hit with another one tonight.
She was at school all afternoon and tonight for a dress rehearsal for a dance show she is in Thurs, Fri and Sat. I got a call around 7:30.

She ate at school tonight, so I am not sure what the ingredients were. It is a local restaurant that is well known to not make junk food. However I am sure the girls were given as much soda as they wanted.

Sorry you are feeling grumpy. Hey! I did a search after reading your note. Did you ever have Rebecca tested for too little stomach acid? Something like that can lead to other chronic digestive problems which might relate to seizure development. I was wondering if she had tried some unsweetened ginger ale after eating which can aid digestion, whether this might have helped ward off a seizure.

Low Stomach Acid Related to Digestive ProblemsStomach acid, technically known as hydrochloric acid, is essential for proper functioning of ... Low acidity may result in only partial digestion of foods, ...
Awwwww So sorry Robin.

I'm wondering if Rebecca's being overloaded?
Sometimes having that time of the month and
with all that's going on can be overwhelming
and because of that - it trips seizures.

That's what it did with me - my Neuro who
did a lot of my EEG runs, but never was my
Neuro, but he had treated me in he ER several
times and was responsible for putting me on
Dilantin shortly after I got married knew I was
extremely irregular and he was the one who
stated for me to "back off" during that time
of the month because I was being overloaded.
With my body going through that and I'm
doing all of this, I didn't have fuses in my
body that could be blown, instead it tripped

Once I learned how to 'back off', it was hard
at first; but it did work and help cut a lot of
the problems down quite a bit (not all of it,
but a lot of it). I still had seizures, but it was
nothing like it was before.

(My gosh, no wonder why everyone
loved this old retired Neurologist, he had an
uncanny way of putting things into perspective)

Maybe something for you to think about?

I'm wondering if Rebecca's being overloaded?
Sometimes having that time of the month and
with all that's going on can be overwhelming
and because of that - it trips seizures.

^^ That's what I was thinking. Maybe it's the 'build-up' off the dress rehearsal, and everything else that's involved that is just proving to be a little toooo overwhelming.
Brain said (I'm wondering if Rebecca's being overloaded?
Sometimes having that time of the month and
with all that's going on can be overwhelming
and because of that - it trips seizures.)

I was thinking the same....

(((((hugs Rebecca )))))) I know around my ms seizures and stress is often times worse... i have to rest more and feel dizzy have auras and little seizures ..... makes my body feel like its fighting to start .....

Rebecca we hope you start to feel better soon....

(((((hugs Robin ))))) your doing everything the best you can things just happen sometimes.... keep your chin up...

We did back off... she isn't skating this week. Which means she gets to sleep until 8am. School frowns upon backing off the homework. I appreciate the thoughts everyone. Life is just difficult for teens these days. Yet I have never expected her to get up at 4 am to go feed the cow.

Zoe - I had never thought about that. I will look into it... as for unsweetened ginger-ale...I have never heard of it. I will check Whole Foods.
So sorry to hear that Robin and Rebecca.....

... as for unsweetened ginger-ale...I have never heard of it. I will check Whole Foods.

Let us know what you find there Robin!...that sounds very interesting.

BTW, could this all be a result of the scary twist Rebecca's 'Hi' thread took? The imagery....uuuuuuugh!

Rebecca, humor (however lame...and I can attest to that!) is one of our best weapons around here!

Hang tough guys!
BTW, could this all be a result of the scary twist Rebecca's 'Hi' thread took? The imagery....uuuuuuugh!
Absolutely not... she has been too busy, heads for her Buddy List and Facebook page. She really thinks this group is for me.
There are no cute boys here....
There are no cute boys here....

WELL!.........I'm gonna have to run off and cry now!
.........but wait!.....you said 'boys' didn't ya?

Bernard will have to field that one....he lost his man card temporarily you know.

BTW....my daughter Katie agrees!
.........but wait!.....you said 'boys' didn't ya?

Bernard will have to field that one....

[Caution to those who are photosensitive... MTV video (fast/sudden frame changes)...]

haha thats to funny!!! love the video Bernard.....

OMG poor stacy !!! :roflmao:

my son steven whos 17 says he hes not having seizures but if there is cute girls on this forum hes all over it!

he says hes thinking Bernard kinda odd lol :roflmao:
Double DRAT!

Rebecca had another seizure yesterday.
Around the same time as usual. Seems they happen between 10:30 ish and 12:30 ish.
Now I am wondering if the AED is now in her system (she takes it about 8:30 after skating practice and before school) and since I have seen an increase in seizures when I try to increase the dose like the Doc wants, she gets one.

Drop in blood sugar level could be it also. Says she didn't drink or eat anything off diet the day before (but we are going through a bit of... what ever fits what my mom wants to hear stage) so could be something there.

Stress a big trigger here....

Actually the why isn't so important this time.
She fell down a couple of concrete steps outside after an assembly on her way to class. This is quite worrisome to me and I am sure to her school.

She mentioned to a friend before it happened that she was dizzy, and she said her stomach bothered her as she was getting out of the car. Something surely isn't working with her digestive system that is for sure.
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