Don't know about anybody else but I seem to be a bug magnet. This time of the year, black flies are the problem around here and, boy, do they ever make me swell up which is a real joy on top of the itching. I heard a medical piece on the news the other night about insect repellants and the like and finally found something that not only am I willing to do but really does work. I really don't like topical repellants - who knows what gets into the bloodstream and causes trouble? - so this was a great idea. 50-100 mg of B-6 a day will make a person smell terrible to any sort of biting bug (including mosquitoes which is why they were doing this piece - West Nile Virus season is coming). I have been taking 25 mg of B-6 a day so I bought a bottle of just B-6 and started to take it yesterday. It's muggy and really buggy here today. I rode the horse this morning and have been working in the garden ever since. The bugs buzz around me and they do land on me but, so far, not one bite! It's annoying to have the bugs zipping around me and landing but I'm willing to put up with that as long as I don't end up a swollen, lumpy, bumpy, itchy mess!