Aura's, do you see colors?

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I was just wondering if when someone has an aura if they experience seeing colors? Kind of like seing spots if you're suddenly blinded by the sun. Today I was on my usual walk and when I got back, for like 2 seconds, I saw green colors. I was out of breath from the walk and then saw that. Looked like green spots on the ground and the only green color was the grass but hadn't been looking at that. Weird.
That is nomal to see colors in spot on the ground after being in bright light. I see colors all the time. It is part of my auras too but they are different than when you are out in bright sunshine. Mine will move and go into paterns when it is a aura.
It's never happened before is the thing & I've been walking for over a month and never happened before. The Aura's I've experienced is sometimes deja vu or I feel scared. Weird thing is, most times nothing else happens but have never seen spots of color before
What you are say was when you were outside was it in the sun? That is normal to see colors. I have heard of seeing colors as an aura too. I see colors all the time.
Yes it was outside but as I said it never happened before and when I'm in bed, I'll sometimes see flashes of light after closing my eyes as I start to drift off, sometimes it'll wake me.
Flashes of light before you fall asleep could be activity. Is there any patterns to them like swirls or anything? I could also be your body releasing build up energy to help relax you before you go to sleep. The green spots were they big spots or small spots?
The green spots I saw were swirly but not in a moving swirly shape, swirly shaped. They swirled & moved for a brief second, then were gone. They were solid like seeing paint splotches & then vanished. Probably big as a quarter, 4 of them. It was so brief you almost swear it didn't happen, more like a hallucination I guess.

The flashing lights were more like pulses similar to how a bulb might flash briefly before it goes out
I do see spots. Although not as bright as you describe. Mine last for just a flash. They happen inside, outside, and not after looking at a bright light. They are usually in my peripheral vision and I can never focus on them. They are a perfect circle and colourful and I think they are made up of little tiny dots but because I can't focus on them I am not sure. I do have a "floater" in my right eye too. A grey spot that doesn't go away and is very visible when I'm looking at something white but the colourful circles are something different. They are often an aura but sometimes appear on their own.
Occasionally for a split second I will see a pinpoint sized flash of bright color. Similar to the look of a photograph being burning. I ushually get a blue or green color. Sinces I like blue and green, I'm cool with it... I mean, it could be sh_t brown :)
In the past, if I saw spots because of the sun, they'd be black and white, very transparent but this was bright green and solid like someone spilled paint lol Weird.
Yes it was outside but as I said it never happened before and when I'm in bed, I'll sometimes see flashes of light after closing my eyes as I start to drift off, sometimes it'll wake me.

When I took Lamictal I would have this happen. I would turn my light off and get ready to sleep. I would see a flash of light, maybe a couple. I assumed it was lighting or something. When I stopped taking that drug it never happened again.
its sounds more linked to a migrain... i used to have them and i would have got lots of spots infront of my eyes but no headache
I see patterns, tessellations specifically and more specifically hyperbolic tessellations.
I see them almost every morning superimposed on everything and they sort of morph as my visual focus shifts. it lasts for about 4-5 minutes.
I have had some weird Auras. The first seizures I had were about 2...I guess maybe 3 years ago (I'm not sure my memory is getting worse). I had a dream in which the sky turned blood red and there was shouting (many voices) likes something terrible had happened and air raid sirens. it was very intense i woke up went to the living room to have a smoke and a cup of tea to try and calm down before going back to bed, my wife came with me out of concern we were sitting on the couch it was about 3:20 am. Then suddenly the front door opened and someone entered the room and it was me, I screamed (of course) and woke up in the emergency room with doctors telling me I could not smoke inside the hospital.

so there you go, and that's one of the LESS weird Auras I have had.
for me it like oblique through middle of vision like blurr of water,the worse thing is feeling going up from my stamach though my body i think i going to die it horrible makes me panic i make it worse
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