Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and am curious if anyone knows the solution to my problem (no doctors have been able to help). As a brief history, I had peti-mal seizures growing up and one grand-mal seizure, was put on Tegretol and the seizures went away after a year (eventually was on 1600 mg a day). Later on in adult life I was switched to Carbatrol, no problems. In 2010, I decided to get off Carbatrol due to my doctor's warnings of bone thinning. As I drew to the end of the six week withdrawal period, I suddenly felt very epileptic while driving, I had to pull over. Ever since then, and I mean constantly for the past 3 1/2 years, I have had trouble thinking and focusing, cannot drive more than 15 minutes without having to pull over (I get very disoriented and confused), my emotions are all over the place (depressed, happy, depressed, angry, etc.), and often times a slight pain in my head. Most of the time I feel confused, and I forget things quite frequently. I have been to see several neurologists, none of them have been able to determine what the problem is. There may have been epileptic activity right after I got off meds (the EEG showed it), but on EEGs and MRIs since then, there have been no signs of epilepsy, even though I still have these extreme symptoms. I have been on Lamictal (gave me severe rashes), Topamax (severe anxiety), Gapentin (suicidal thoughts), and a couple of others that also had major side effects. None of these helped with the overall problems I already had. I am currently not on anything at the moment. Exercise seems to help a little bit, but otherwise it's still constant. Has anyone else been through a similar situation as this? All of the doctors have looked at me like I'm crazy, like I'm making this up. Please, any advice anyone can offer is greatly appreciated