Hello all! New to this site :)

Welcome to the Coping With Epilepsy Forums

Welcome to the Coping With Epilepsy forums - a peer support community for folks dealing (directly or indirectly) with seizure disorders. You can visit the forum page to see the list of forum nodes (categories/rooms) for topics.

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Hey everyone,
This is the first online support site I have joined for my epilepsy and I've had a diagnosis for over ten years! Talk about behind in the times LOL, I stumbled upon some of the forums through Google and though this is a great way to talk to others with similar life struggles. I suppose I'll start by saying I have Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. I was diagnosed when I was 16 after a rather large grand-Mal in the hospital after being given a strong dose of morphine for a kidney infection. I started experiencing the "twitching" symptoms when I was 13 or so, but no one really believed me until I had a dramatic episode.. I have been put on valproic acid (didn't work), dilanton (took me off of it as soon as I found out it can cause facial hair!) lamotrigine mixed with clobazam, then switched to Keppra.. I have been taking this (1500mg/twice daily) for quite sometime.. (5+ years?) and sometimes I take clobazam if I'm going through a particularly stressful period of life (I'm currently taking it as my hormone levels were crazy after I had my daughter a year ago). I survived two seizures while driving, college, university, a drinking problem, and I am a single mom who lives alone and delivered a perfectly healthy baby (with the help of LOTS of folic acid :) I thought that if I had known about sites like this when I was younger it would have made my life easier and maybe could have helped me avoid counseling sessions and panic attacks to a lesser extent anyways. I hope to contribute encouraging advice and support to others who are struggling with being a person who shakes ;) And maybe I'll even have a question or two from time to time.. Hope to hear from some of you soon!

Welcome to C.W.E. I am sure you can help us and we will try to help you as well.
Welcome to CWE! I am always so thankful to read about those diagnosed with JME and how things are going fur them as adults. My 15 year old daughter was diagnosed with JME 1.5 years ago. So glad you found this wonderfully supportive and friendly site!
Hey BBE.

It took me about ten years to find this place, too. If for nothing else, this is a great place to talk to people with things in common. I have learned more here than for anyone else.

You'll have some great people to relate to.
Don't worry im was the same,i stumbled across this site and have never looked back.Delighted you have joined us and hope that you stay,soooo welcome to CWE!!!
Hey there and welcome to CWE. Lots of wonderful folks around these parts. :)
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