Back in my preteen years, I used to get a weird dizzy feeling that nobody could explain. It was like going from a bright room to darkness without moving. It eventually went away. About 5-6 yrs ago, I was driving with a friend and felt faint...on the freeway. I pulled over and dropped the truck into park. I woke up with my friend holding my leg, she said I had a seizure. We went to the doctor, they said it was nothing to worry about. I had my kids, one of whom developed epilepsy early on (which is my main reason for joining this group). Recently, I've been getting that faint feeling again, my heart races, I start thinking about random things that happened years ago. This happens while driving, whilestanding in formation (Army Reserves), while watching TV, no real pattern. My doctor basically did a quick check and left it at 'I don't know'. These episodes are I'm wondering what Auras are like from those who experience them. I've already put in a call to a neuro, but lord knows they are busy'll be a while before I get in. Any thoughts?
Is it possible to fight auras? When I feel this way, I try everything I can think of to keep from blacking out. I don't know if it helps or even if this IS an aura...I haven't actually succomed (spelling?) ..well since the once on the freeway. It certainly would explain a lot if that's what it is...
Is it possible to fight auras? When I feel this way, I try everything I can think of to keep from blacking out. I don't know if it helps or even if this IS an aura...I haven't actually succomed (spelling?) ..well since the once on the freeway. It certainly would explain a lot if that's what it is...
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