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Hi Team!
I have found your articles very helpful in exploring some issues I've been having lately. However, as you know seizures can be caused by so many factors I'm having a hard time sorting it all out. My Doctor as well has not been very helpful or seamed to want to look into things past the surface and instead just wants to prescribe me medications. I really feel like there may be a connection between the seizures I have been having per the last two months and some past condition I have had.
About my Seizures / Epilepsy:
They started ain October of 2012 out of no where and I had 1 to 2 everyday for a month before finally seeing my doctor. She suspected I was having partial seizures but didn't really do much about it other then prescribing me basically a 'placebo'. A few months later in January 2013 I had a grand-Mal seizure in the night and my boyfriend took me to the hospital which I remember nothing of. I was prescribed Dilantin which I would be on for the following month however ended up being allergic to that and was later switched to Levetiracetam (kepra).
After the hospital episode, I was ordered tests; MRI did not show anything, the EEG showed some electrical action in my temporal lobe, and thus I was diagnosed with TEMPORAL LOBE EPILEPSY. I have been on medication since the hospital and have not had a seizure since although the side effects of the medication and other issues I have have seam to become worse.
I don't know anyone in my family who has suffered from seizures ever. However, my mom and brother are both a little 'high-strung' and my brother does show some symptoms on bipolar disorder (as mentioned below)
What they seizure were like:
They usually start with me 'feeling' it coming with a warning of about 30 seconds or so where I start feeling very uneasy and nauseous and sometimes have a strange taste or smell I can't place. When they happen I become extremely hot and start sweating, I get a deja-vu feeling like a dream washes over me, however I am aware of my surroundings and do not actually see hallucinations. I get very nauseous, week and speaking feels difficult although I can talk through it. I also get an extreme feeling of feel. In all they typically last no more then a minute. I often feel better afar, however a bit clouded in my thoughts and a bit confused. I can't be certain, but I think I may also be having them at night, however I can't tell as the Deja Vu feeling is more common obviously when your in and out of dreams as you sleep.
My Tests so far:
- Blood Test: Came back with everything looking pretty okay although I way to get a copy to look further
- MRI - came back clear
- EEG - showed some activity in temporal lobe (not sure if only one side or both)
Medications I am on:
- Depo Provera - Birth control shot I have been on for 10 years
- Levetiracetam - 250mg in morning and again at night
- Cannabis / Marijuana - I know this may be debated, however this plant has helped me so much through this. Smoking was the only time I did not have seizures and it has helped extremely in calming my mood swings and with sleep. My goal is to get the CBD tincture as my main medication if possible.
About my past conditions:
- Restless Leg Syndrome for approx. 13 years (worse when I was in my teens then now, but still present)
- I always suspected perhaps I had seasonal affective disorder as I always go through cycles of ups and downs throughout the year. Typically in the fall I have lows and other times of the year highs and OCD like symptoms. Gradually I have noticed this has become worse over the last 5 or so years, and especially lately. I feel the cycles have become much more rapid and my mood changes quicker and more drastic. I have done allot of reading on this specifically and now know that Manic Depression / Bipolar symptoms/condition originate in the same area and it makes allot of sense to me this is what I am experiencing. I suspect the Kepra has added to this frustration. Daily I feel I now go through lows of anger/frustration and lack of hope, then into a mania where I need to organize things, talk quickly with many idea and also feel a bit like I'm on cocaine or something at times with a pacy heart and racing thoughts. It's really not enjoyable at all. I know I have always had these tendencies but now I feel it has just become worse and more difficult to manage daily or to be myself.
- Anxiety on and off through the years (I am generally pretty restless and can't sit still as well)
- Sleeping difficulties. I have always had issues sleeping, I am very restless and often wake many times in the night. I usually dream every night. I also get hot flashes throughout the night.
- Hit by lightning? Not sure if this is relevant but I was hit indirectly by lightning when I was 12. I was always curious if this may have anything to do with my abundance of nervous energy?
- Previous B12 Deficiency - I used to get shots for it, however currently my levels are okay
- TMJ issues - have limited jaw movement and pain over the last 4 years, again not sure if it's related
- Smoker - half a pack a day for 8 years
I have a feeling allot of these issues I have had my whole life and those that have become worse as of late, must all be connected to the activity in my temporal lobe. Through allot of forum reading I have found others with stories that seam to line up. The only exception being the fact I was hit by lighting, I can't find anyone with a similar story and still wonder if that has anything to do with anything? My biggest concern is finding a path / medication that will help with ALL issues, or at the very least not exasperate the other issues while treating the epilepsy. I do not want to be on another medication like Dilantin that made me a complete stupid-zombie that could nt think straight or function. I do really like the idea of a CBD Tincture, and wonder if anyone has experience with it or any other medication that helps with seizures and the other conditions.
I would really appreciate any help you may have in being a detective to my situation. I really do feel like many of these issues may be connected as everything I have ever had in life seams to stem from nervous system issues / brain. I am also very curious if there is any research into conditions lighting strike survivors might have had and if any of they conditions I have, mainly including the seizures and manic depressive symptoms, are an issue for anyone else in the same situation.
Thank you so much, I look forward to hearing from you all if you have any input.
I have found your articles very helpful in exploring some issues I've been having lately. However, as you know seizures can be caused by so many factors I'm having a hard time sorting it all out. My Doctor as well has not been very helpful or seamed to want to look into things past the surface and instead just wants to prescribe me medications. I really feel like there may be a connection between the seizures I have been having per the last two months and some past condition I have had.
About my Seizures / Epilepsy:
They started ain October of 2012 out of no where and I had 1 to 2 everyday for a month before finally seeing my doctor. She suspected I was having partial seizures but didn't really do much about it other then prescribing me basically a 'placebo'. A few months later in January 2013 I had a grand-Mal seizure in the night and my boyfriend took me to the hospital which I remember nothing of. I was prescribed Dilantin which I would be on for the following month however ended up being allergic to that and was later switched to Levetiracetam (kepra).
After the hospital episode, I was ordered tests; MRI did not show anything, the EEG showed some electrical action in my temporal lobe, and thus I was diagnosed with TEMPORAL LOBE EPILEPSY. I have been on medication since the hospital and have not had a seizure since although the side effects of the medication and other issues I have have seam to become worse.
I don't know anyone in my family who has suffered from seizures ever. However, my mom and brother are both a little 'high-strung' and my brother does show some symptoms on bipolar disorder (as mentioned below)
What they seizure were like:
They usually start with me 'feeling' it coming with a warning of about 30 seconds or so where I start feeling very uneasy and nauseous and sometimes have a strange taste or smell I can't place. When they happen I become extremely hot and start sweating, I get a deja-vu feeling like a dream washes over me, however I am aware of my surroundings and do not actually see hallucinations. I get very nauseous, week and speaking feels difficult although I can talk through it. I also get an extreme feeling of feel. In all they typically last no more then a minute. I often feel better afar, however a bit clouded in my thoughts and a bit confused. I can't be certain, but I think I may also be having them at night, however I can't tell as the Deja Vu feeling is more common obviously when your in and out of dreams as you sleep.
My Tests so far:
- Blood Test: Came back with everything looking pretty okay although I way to get a copy to look further
- MRI - came back clear
- EEG - showed some activity in temporal lobe (not sure if only one side or both)
Medications I am on:
- Depo Provera - Birth control shot I have been on for 10 years
- Levetiracetam - 250mg in morning and again at night
- Cannabis / Marijuana - I know this may be debated, however this plant has helped me so much through this. Smoking was the only time I did not have seizures and it has helped extremely in calming my mood swings and with sleep. My goal is to get the CBD tincture as my main medication if possible.
About my past conditions:
- Restless Leg Syndrome for approx. 13 years (worse when I was in my teens then now, but still present)
- I always suspected perhaps I had seasonal affective disorder as I always go through cycles of ups and downs throughout the year. Typically in the fall I have lows and other times of the year highs and OCD like symptoms. Gradually I have noticed this has become worse over the last 5 or so years, and especially lately. I feel the cycles have become much more rapid and my mood changes quicker and more drastic. I have done allot of reading on this specifically and now know that Manic Depression / Bipolar symptoms/condition originate in the same area and it makes allot of sense to me this is what I am experiencing. I suspect the Kepra has added to this frustration. Daily I feel I now go through lows of anger/frustration and lack of hope, then into a mania where I need to organize things, talk quickly with many idea and also feel a bit like I'm on cocaine or something at times with a pacy heart and racing thoughts. It's really not enjoyable at all. I know I have always had these tendencies but now I feel it has just become worse and more difficult to manage daily or to be myself.
- Anxiety on and off through the years (I am generally pretty restless and can't sit still as well)
- Sleeping difficulties. I have always had issues sleeping, I am very restless and often wake many times in the night. I usually dream every night. I also get hot flashes throughout the night.
- Hit by lightning? Not sure if this is relevant but I was hit indirectly by lightning when I was 12. I was always curious if this may have anything to do with my abundance of nervous energy?
- Previous B12 Deficiency - I used to get shots for it, however currently my levels are okay
- TMJ issues - have limited jaw movement and pain over the last 4 years, again not sure if it's related
- Smoker - half a pack a day for 8 years
I have a feeling allot of these issues I have had my whole life and those that have become worse as of late, must all be connected to the activity in my temporal lobe. Through allot of forum reading I have found others with stories that seam to line up. The only exception being the fact I was hit by lighting, I can't find anyone with a similar story and still wonder if that has anything to do with anything? My biggest concern is finding a path / medication that will help with ALL issues, or at the very least not exasperate the other issues while treating the epilepsy. I do not want to be on another medication like Dilantin that made me a complete stupid-zombie that could nt think straight or function. I do really like the idea of a CBD Tincture, and wonder if anyone has experience with it or any other medication that helps with seizures and the other conditions.
I would really appreciate any help you may have in being a detective to my situation. I really do feel like many of these issues may be connected as everything I have ever had in life seams to stem from nervous system issues / brain. I am also very curious if there is any research into conditions lighting strike survivors might have had and if any of they conditions I have, mainly including the seizures and manic depressive symptoms, are an issue for anyone else in the same situation.
Thank you so much, I look forward to hearing from you all if you have any input.