Your memory is bad when....

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After I got dressed the other day I couldn't get comfortable in my pants. I fussed around with them for a few hours before I couldn't take it any more so I went to change into another pair.

As I was taking them off that's when I discovered the problem - I forgot to put on any underwear!!!!

How bad is your memory?
My memory is so bad, I have to check to make sure I'm wearing bottoms multiple times before leaving to go to work.
Memory for me is not great but I will say I never forget underware and pants... well sometimes I forget things when I am going to bed cause I am too tired, but in the morning for me it will all clear up :bump:
For me it's usually that I find myself trying to make coffee with one sock and a bra on because I never finished getting dressed before going downstairs to coffee pot.

In the end I may leave house without ever making the coffee or only making water with no coffee grinds or exploding grinds with hot air because I forgot the water... But, luckily, I've never left the house without clothes.

When I was working I did always keep a drawer full of toiletries as I lived in fear of forgetting to put on deodorant or bring tampons or brush my teeth or finish my make up.
I constantly forget things or where I have put things when I have put them down only a few minutes ago. I forget words and also repeat things that I have already told my children etc.
For me it's more information-based. People will have told me something just days before and I've already forgotten. I usually end up realizing that I had forgotten, but, occasionally, it doesn't even sound familiar. You could ask me if I've seen a movie and I'll know I have because I remember the title, but I could never tell you what it was about; same with books. It's been getting worse lately. One of my fears is that I'll 'lose' special memories. It would be really unfortunate to have the feeling that you weren't there for something romantic. That is what my journal is for. ;)
Forgot to take off the pajama pants before putting on the work pants.
I don't forget articles of clothing, fortunately, but I recently bought a book, read it and really enjoyed it, and then about a week later I couldn't remember anything at all about it. I glanced through it and then remembered, sort of. I can enjoy reading books many times and watching the same movies because I forget so much of the plot and storyline.
Of course, I always forget what I have told people, or what I have asked them (or what I have posted on this forum!) I find myself not saying as much or asking questions about things for fear I'm going to be repeating myself. It distresses my wife when she realizes whats happening with my memory. Distresses me, too. My vns will be implanted in less than three days now! Could it be that it will help? Fingers crossed!
I saw a movie about 2 weeks ago and don't remember a thing about it either.

I always tell people that there's no such thing as a repeat tv show for me. By the time they come back on in the summer I don't remember what went on during it.

My dad and I read books. He reads it first then I read it next. Most of them are series of books with the same characters in them. I can never remember who the characters are and what they do in the book. We've made up goofy names for the people in the book and that helps me remember them sometimes.
Well, it's a true shame that other people endure the same frustration as I do. However, it is good to be able to relate. I really do like and appreciate this forum. I have the same experience with books. What's nice is that my favorite author has five books and I can read them several times and it's like they're new. I just got finished watching one of the movies that I own. I forgot how much I like it. It's nice to be able to re-experience something that you enjoy. You already know that you like it so you won't be disappointed! :banana:
The book I'm reading right now last night I had to go back two chapters to remember what was going on. I'd had 2 seizures in the last two days so I don't know if that played a part in it?

I read a good bit of my books on my Kindle. One thing I really like about it is that for many of the books it will tell you who the person is and what they do in the book. That's helped me a lot many times.

One nice thing about reading books with my dad too is if I can't remember who the person is he's able to tell me because he's read the book already.
I find when you look in he mirror and can remember what happened, ie looking older than you thought you looked.
I find when you look in he mirror and can remember what happened, ie looking older than you thought you looked.

Nothing to do with memory but when I look in the mirror sometimes I think how young I look, then I put my glasses on and realize I'm just about blind without my glasses.
I have forgotten to lock my office door a couple of times when I went to lunch and sometimes forget to set the alarm at the end of the day.

I have also forgotten my PIN a few times and couldn't deposit my paycheck at the ATM. I've used the same PIN for years.
when you have to make sure you have your reduced fare card for the subway as I use it all the time.

I've never forgot about clothing but I double check my meds are in my purse when I have an appointment.
For me, I can't reall articles,books that I just read, I usuall have to go back and re read it a few times. Also, at times I'll forget what Im doing, how to spell words, the days of the week. I'm always looking at the calender. watching Tv or movies- after it over, I can't remember what I just watched .I enjoy these activities at the moment and think I following along.
I've forgot how to get to places that I've been before and it's frustrateing and I feel really stupid when others are with me.
I forget lots of small things I need to do. I always end up writing reminders on the back of my left hand and up my arm. So far, I haven't misplaced my arm or hand. My students have suggested I have notebook lines tattooed there.

I also cannot remember where I placed things. I could have had it in my hand 30 seconds before and now I cannot remember where I set it.
So far so good, but I have been worried that I would lock the key to my padlock inside the locker at the gym. This morning I mentioned my fear to another member and she showed me her trick. She keeps the key on her shoelace. Yeah, one less thing to worry about.
I just lost a beer. My wife is going to be pissed when she finds it.
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