
  1. S

    Advice please!

    Myself and my daughter have different types of epilepsy. Mine is very well controlled being seizure free for eight years!! However, my daughter, who started having seizures at 13 is not quite so lucky, she is now 17. Although she doesn't have frequent seizures (only three in the last six...
  2. K

    side effects

    im 18 years old and have been on valpro, epilim and am now on keppra (which my neurologist told me would have no side effects) and im still getting th same ones as i was on the last medications which include extreme hair loss and depression. my doctor said that if its not medicated, my condition...
  3. P

    Just joined CWE, I'm hoping to get some answers!

    Hi all, my name is Patrick, I'm 35, and had my first two seizures this past December 28th. I went ahead and copied my profile section about my seizure history. Please feel free to comment or PM me if you have any advise, or suggestions. I still haven't been officially diagnosed with...
  4. M

    Temporal lobe -Memory & Concentration problems?

    Hi, I am being investigated for TLE. I had an EEG and an MRI and they both came back negative. I have seen one consultant and she is sending me to someone else for a second opinion. I am still experiencing these weird episodes that come on suddenly, i feel a bit nauseous & i feel really weird...
  5. Birdbomb

    VNS Message Board

    The VNS Message Board has been on the move this weekend. I have now reached total independence and OWN the dang thing instead of relying on InvisionFree for the freebie. (this really means I have to now pay monthly server fees! =( Hey Bernard about that advertising.....) We are ALMOST ready...
  6. Birdbomb

    [News] VNS & Depression Investigation

    Feb 15th 2010 I will post link to the webcast This is gonna be HUGE! Stay tuned.........
  7. P

    [Research] The Biology of Epilepsy

    Epileptic seizures are triggered by abnormal electrochemical impulses that act on other neurons, glands, and muscles to produce human thoughts, feelings, and actions. In epilepsy, the normal pattern of neuronal activity becomes disturbed, causing strange sensations, emotions, and behavior, or...
  8. N

    [Research] Mediterranean Diet benefit

    A recent article in the NY Times talks about a study that appears to link the Mediterranean diet with lower rates of depression:
  9. T

    Paranoia and Epilepsy

    Since starting treatment for epilepsy I have noticed spells of paranoia. Sometimes it becomes pretty bad and lasts for long periods, others times it is almost absent. I have temporal lobe epilepsy. Does anyone know much about a connection, if any? I take Depakote to control the seizures, as...
  10. S

    Noob here justs wondering what people think. All opinions welcome.

    Hey all. This is just a topic to see if anybody shares similar symptoms, feelings or opinions about this. I'm 18 years old and have suffered from Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy all my life. My epilepsy is something I've always put up with but recently its been driving me mad. For four years I...
  11. M


    Does anyone have any tips on dealing with depression-I recently broke up with my long time companion of 8 years (still love him dearly but our season is over) i've not been able to function on a semi moderate/normal level. I've had mood swings and emotional issues related to having epilepsy...
  12. P

    Light and Mood

    I'm thinking more and more on the impact of light on my mood and some of the changes my affect undergoes during certain seasons. I can move from a dark room to a well lit room and experience an uplift in my mood. On sunny days I seem to get a little racy. I can be very depressed on darkened...
  13. T


    I am currently taking Lamotrigine and Clobazam to control my seizures (C/P, T-C, Absence, and Myoclonic) and have been for 3+ months. I've just got to the point where I just don't care about anything or anyone. I'm never happy nor depressed. My thoughts are clearer than when I was prescribed...
  14. J

    hi im a new girl from iraq

    hello everybody, im from Iraq. i was diagnosed with epilepsy 4 years ago since then im taking tegretol. you know its difficult for someone with this disease to live in this country cause people think that you are kind of crazy. i recently found this website, its good to know people that have the...
  15. speber

    Suicide Risk From 11 Epilepsy Drugs

    I received this in an email and thought I should share with you all since I've seen threads recently touching on the subject of Trileptal and its effects on you: ...and I thought it was just me feeling 'off'........whew!
  16. Bernard

    Emotional trauma stored in the body

    http*// (old link no longer works, article also posted here: ) Is there a connection to seizure activity? I wonder if there have ever been any studies done. Most of the info I can...
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