How serious is muscle weakness when taking Keppra?

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I've notice when looking online at drug websites that it says to check with your doc immediately if you experience these side effects when taking keppra.

Is that just general info as with any side effect? Or, are they saying this is an immediate problem?

I have been feeling this for awhile and I mention it to my neuro, but he doesn't act like its a big deal. Given that I go running and to the gym alot, i can definitely tell that I am weaker, fatigued easily, and clumsier than before. I know my body.

So is it a big deal or just normal life on Keppra?
Well, I

only tolerated Keppra for 9 days, so I am not one to really answer that. But if your doc is not listening to you, it is time to go doctor shopping.

Another option is to go to your pharmacist, and ask them what they think. If they say that it's something that the doctor should really be concerned about, ask them to call the doctor's office, and communicate with the doc about it.

If the doc still doesn't listen, make it a point to go to another doctor ASAP....
I've seen 3 different neuros and they all acted the same way. So, I don't have alot of faith that paying for yet another guy is going to amount to much.

I've been taking Keppra for over 2 1/2 years now, and I feel like the weakness and fatigue is getting worse. My legs feel dead. Makes me wonder about muscle wasting or numbness.
I experience muscle weakness from it also, but most of the time it is manageable. Working out regularly will prevent muscle wasting, whether one is on Keppra or not.
I do try to keep up working out for that very reason, but lately it has become awfully difficult as my body just doesn't want to respond. I have to really gut it out and push when I feel that weak and fatigued.
No worries about skipping a weight day when you feel like that. Make a point of doing something everyday: if the legs are weak do upper and vice versa. And if everything is totally blotto, only do stretches as it will still be doing your body some good. Of course it is important to give muscles rest, so days off from working out, but I work out everyday but alternating upper body and lower body so in effect I am giving each body part 24 hours to recover. If you go really heavy you need to allow 48 hours at least but for me personally I keep things relatively light so I can easily recover in 24 hours. I used to go heavy, but because of the medication influence I had to drop back the weight and tackle working out this different way instead. For both of us it may be that the keppra was making us weaker and then a heavy work out when we could tolerate it (naturally) was causing that "used" muscle feeling so we were never able to get out of that weak muscle feeling.
(Having a bit of trouble getting out what I'm trying to say. If something doesn't make sense just ask!)
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I only struggle with this a tiny bit but its definitely there, I have taken to suddenly losing my grip on something I have been holding and getting clumsy. Also the fatigue is a nightmare but getting up and moving, as hard as it is to begin with.... I find it helps.
Keppra will simply ware you out. I sleep a lot because of it, but then again, I just got up from doing 300 situps. Keep on pushing yourself and it will hopefully help. Try not to be lazy. That can be one of the hardest parts.

Your doctor is probably shrugging off the problem because it is completely normal. If you think it is a bigger problem, you need to express that.

I've been on a lot of Keppra for a long time. You get used to it if you can stick with it.
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