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tonights my last night on keppra i was on it for about 10 months and for those ten months my temper got like ten times worse and i was only averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night at the most and my seizures were increasing so i decided to take my self off about a week ago i had one seizure as i was getting weened off what i just wanted to know is will there be a very big difference when im fully off
Hi RRUIZ, Welcome to CWE. We are a large support group with very friendly people.

No one will know if you will be better until you are off. You should never take yourself off of medicines with out your neurologist's helping you. You are not a doctor and neither are we. We do not know what side effects you will have taking yourself off.

You should of talked to your neruo. about coming off keppra. Comming off any meds can be tricky. If you come off it to fast you could have withdrawl systems. The medicine is in your body, so it would take a while for it to get out of your system. Each person is different comming off and side efforts of drugs. I am not a doctor. So you may want to talk to doctor about what may happen.

Let us know tomorrow how you are doing. nana1 is right.
wow! I am at the epilepsy monitoring unit and the epitoligist
(sp?) was asking me all kind of questions and I mentioned that I read something here and she was extremely attimate about not wanting to hear about what I have read about epilepsy on this page. It was very dissapointing. I have been here two days and have had seizures and but no readings. I have been up 24 hours, but I guess since I was on 3000mg of keppra xr it may take time to clear my system. I went through memory test that lasted five hours! It is exhausting being having all these wires attached to my head and I can only go 15' because of my leash. So when if anyone is up I am ready to talk. I think I get to sleep at three but I am not tired anymore. Just finished the hyperventilation test, which I feel is just cruel! I have my seizure button but am afraid to use it. So weird, as I am usually concious but not cohesive during my seizures, and it appears this is not the norm, from what I gather from the nurses reactions. woe is me. I do send my prayers out to the lives in the helicopter I hear now and then. Maybe this is all in my head....but that will be another chapter in itself. You just can't explain what this feels like, unless you experience it yourself. Sort of funny DR. Hope is my Doctor..... I am just so ready to be home with my dog, the pool, my peace pipe. I did and do plan on doing some art while in here. I have written some things and posted in the creative writing page if anyone is interested in something off the wall have a look.
My 12 yr old went through the same thing that your are doing and she had seizures and they did not get a reading and told me that she is probably depressed and that is why she is having seizures. That just seemed a little off to me, she is depressed now from going through all of this, but she was ok before the seizures started. I have found her a new doctor. Good luck to you and I pray for the best for you. I am so glad to know that we are not alone in this.
thanks for the prayers and thoughts' as I awoke I was told I had seizure and it had been recorded! Finally I feel some vindication, but I do not know what is next. I have found that the drugs have been far worse than my epilepsy has.
Hi matchu,

I so glad that it has finally been recorded. I have seen throughout the time you have been here, how depressed you were about it.

Tell your neurologist how bad that the drugs are affecting you. They can change them. Keep me posted!!
i'm so glad no shame said about crying & emotions. anything sets me off i'm the teariest person i know. i blame the tablets i blame them for everything. it's hard for me to say weather i got rage & depression from startin keppra, as i had only got epilepsy due to a head injury so that's why i'm on keppra. after the head injury i was in a very low angry place anyway.
I can completley understand where your coming from. I am an emotional wreck constantly. And it could be anything. Crazy excited and strangley sad... Who knows. Everyday is different, and the crying... definitely. The Docs tried to shut me up with anti depressants and I HATED them, I was a zombie and weaned myself off of them. I'm still crazy emotional but oh well it's better then having no feelings at all. I got my epilepsy from a head injury as well, so just as you I blame everything on the drugs who knows which came first... You're not alone!

I'm new here, but I've gone through so many of the seizure studies and I know how demanding and tiring they are. I'm so glad that they've recorded it, thats a huge step in it's own. So many people go without ever being able to record them. Hopefully they can find where they're coming from and maybe find a solution other than drugs... I hate them too, they're worse then the seizures sometimes. Good luck to you. You really aren't alone, and that's a good feeling. It's nice to know someone out there is struggling like me

I was on Keppra for less than 2 weeks, and I have a couple of stories that are funny, but probably not too unusual:

First, at 500 mg in the evening only: have you ever met the Energizer Bunny on speed? That was me! Give me a job to do that was supposed to take 4 HOURS, and I would get it done in 20 minutes.

On the other hand, when the dose was dropped to 250 mg, I began to see things in triplicate after 9 days, and they were rotating at the same time...

I had some WILD rides over the last year but I think i have managed to master this. 3000 mg has really helped my seizures and I am very happy but it was a rough ride to get here.
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