LED and CFLs

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I'm photosensitive, and my business has been kind enough to agree to change the lighting in my office from the awful basic fluorescents. However, they don't want to do incandescents; they offered me LED or CFL. I've read what I can on the web, and I read lots of reports about flickering LEDs, yet also many complaints about CFLs. No studies on either, as far as I can tell. I wonder if anybody has experience with either or both of these? Thanks.
CFLs are compact flourescent bulbs and can pose some of the same problems as regular flourescents. You can do a search of the site to see many threads on this topic and also topics about LED tvs too.

Here is one link on CFLs..


That said, I've never used LED bulbs myself, but I thought I heard that the newer ones might flicker less than the CFL bulbs. Don't know if anyone has thoughts on this??

I'm not particularly photosensitive, unless I'm already having an aura. If I'm having an aura, then flickering lights will set me off. I do have CFLs in the house and luckily haven't been too disturbed, but if you are really photosensitive, I'd be careful.

I tried to buy several boxes of regular incandescents, just in case, but I use a mix of CFLs and incandescents. I've noticed the regular bulbs can flicker as well, especially if the power surges a bit from too many lights on the same circuit..
I work under a new type of florescent lighting. While I'm not bothered, a lot of people are.
I have LEDs in some light sockets at home.
It took a while to get used to them, but I like them. They don't flicker like CFL's and such, but the light they give is very different from incandescent lights.
I don't think I'm photo sensitive enough to help, but a florescent bulb has bothered me if it isn't fully on.
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