Seizures in my sleep.

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It seems like medication is my only hope for now, thanks for your advice. Peace to you and yours.
I was recently hospitalized for EEG testing for 3 and a half days. I had lots of seizures which told the doctors a lot and then they told me I had seizures in my sleep then stopped when I woke up. I never really knew this for sure but sometimes every now and then in the night I would wake up sweating and feeling weird and out of it. I may have had a tonic clonic or two in my sleep but mostly just complex partials.

Classic signs of Sleep Apnea, speak to your Doctor.

Sleep study yes. I have had one. I have mild to moderate sleep apnea.

The video EEG is ordered and in the works.
Seizures while sleeping

Sometime epileleptic activity hide deep within the brain and doesn't show up on an EEG or MRI.

I was having the same thing as you (mglynn) for 28 years and found this study VERY interesting.

Re Having seizures during or just before you sleep: Could be due to lack of oxygen to the brain while you sleep from sleep aids such as certain AEDs, sleeping pills, severe snoring or some sort of restriction to the airway.

I have recently been dx'd with Chronic Obstructive Sleep Apnia.
After my sleep disorders test the Dr. showed me the EEG from one night, I would stop breathing up to 50 times/hour and had 3 seizures and that I was waking up "post ictal" (moody and spaced out)
I have recently purchased a CPAP machine (Constant Positive Air Pressure) which provides constant air pressure and have noticed a vast improvement.
No more snoring (the whole family sleeps better now), more energy when I wake up, better REM sleep, improved memory (less short term memory loss), and most of all ~ NO MORE NIGHT SEIZURES.
Now maybe my Neurologist can reduce my meds.
I'm surprised that finally after 28 years I finally get an answer.

night seizures


Bitter sweet after all these years to find out about your sleep apnea. Glad for you, and here is hoping they can reduce your meds. I think I need the same study.
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