[News] Sleep Study App

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Today, the American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA) and IBM (NYSE: IBM) introduced the SleepHealth app designed for iPhone and Apple Watch and the patient-driven SleepHealth Mobile Study to help identify connections between sleep habits and health outcomes. ...
"As someone who suffered for years with undiagnosed sleep apnea, I'm eager to see how this app contributes to our understanding of sleep health and its connection to serious health conditions," said Adam Amdur, ASAA's chief patient officer, co-investigator, and the father of a young child battling the condition. "SleepHealth is the first ResearchKit study developed by an all patient team of researchers and advocates, and we believe it has the potential to be the largest international sleep study ever. Our ultimate goal is to uncover patterns to advance good sleep practices, optimize health and predict who is at risk for sleep disorders or other medical conditions."

After several years of data collection, the research team hopes to develop personalized and public health interventions for a variety of sleep-related health issues, for example helping athletes optimize training before a big event, mitigating fatigue in the workplace, or detecting early symptoms of Alzheimer's and mental health disorders.

The SleepHealth app is available to anyone in the U.S. as a free download from the App Store, with plans for global expansion in the near future. Study participants must be at least 18 years of age and understand English. The app includes a simple process to ensure informed consent for participation in the study. To help maintain participant privacy, subject names are removed from the study data. ...

More: http://www.sleepapnea.org/about-asaa/news-about-asaa.html
Thanks Bernard. As a person with OSA I take interest in things like this.
I know this is a different topic but it does involve app stuff.

The world's first epilepsy self-monitoring app is called EpSMon its been developed with the help of a Cornwall based Dr called Dr Rohit Shankar.

The app asks qns about a person's seizures and overall welllbeing, then analyses the answers and identifies the risks.

I don't think one can underestimate the use of developing technology.
I know this is a different topic but it does involve app stuff.

The world's first epilepsy self-monitoring app is called EpSMon its been developed with the help of a Cornwall based Dr called Dr Rohit Shankar.

The app asks qns about a person's seizures and overall welllbeing, then analyses the answers and identifies the risks.

I don't think one can underestimate the use of developing technology.

This sounds very interesting.
Wish I could install it. Is anyone in the US using this app?
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