Weighted Blankets

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I read that weighted blankets can help with seizures. Has anyone ever used one?
We have one that my son used for a while before deciding that he didn't like it. My wife never used it, but she doesn't have nocturnal seizures these days, so I'm not sure that it would benefit her anyway.
We looked into getting one for the dog during thunderstorms. šŸ˜€
Poor thingā€™s gonna give herself a heart attack.
I do have nocturnal seizures. Now that it's getting colder I'm going to want to sleep with more on top of me to keep warm. I like to use heavy blankets. I was using down comforters but I'm going to have to get new ones for this winter. I want to spend the money on what would be the best. I see my neuro in two weeks and I'll get his opinion on what he thinks.

I don't know if anyone would be able to answer these questions - Are weighted blankets something that you can wrap around you or do they have to be left flat? Do they effect your body temperature in any way?
The weighted blanket that we bought was about the size of the surface area of the top of the bed - not something could be tucked in to keep in place. That said, it was heavy and didn't move much (at least - when I tried it). The one we got was warm enough, but it's more of a weight thing than a heat thing.
I got one which my psychologist suggested
She suggested it for sleep or stress.

I tend to toss and turn in my sleep so I found it heavy especially winter when I had more covers on. Might try again in the summer now don't have as many blankets on the bed
I've never used one but it sure feels good at the dentist office when they put that weighted thing on my chest when taking X-rays. I wonder if they're like that??? Not sure if I'd enjoy it very long, I'm guessing they don't really "breathe".
... that weighted thing on my chest when taking X-rays. I wonder if they're like that??? Not sure if I'd enjoy it very long, I'm guessing they don't really "breathe".

Yes, the weight is similar, but they are more flexible as they are generally filled with pockets of glass beads instead of lead.
I used to have a weighted blanket and I loved it. The issue I had with them is like...you can't really wash them? It's spot clean only and that kind of grosses me out to use it for sleeping and then end up sweating and not being able to wash it.

It felt great when I had achy joints and muscles after seizures so I felt like I could sleep well. Definitely a winter thing, couldn't exactly use it in the summer here, it'd get too hot.

I think it's a plus to have it on my body and it being hard to move because perhaps having a seizure wouldn't move the blanket too much, but at the same time I worry about that because of weakened muscles from nocturnal seizures and not being able to push the blanket off.

It feels better for like laying down on the bed a few or while watching tv when I know I'm going to be awake, but I'm not sure if I'd use them in my sleep again.
I'm probably going to buy one in a store if I get it, I like to be able to see what I'm getting, but I've been reading about them on the internet.

I've seen ones you can wash in a washer and some you can't. They all have to be hung up to dry. I've seen ones that have comforter covers too. I wouldn't get one like that because I've had blankets with comforter covers and they were a real pain to use.

I have arthritis and restless leg. I saw that it can help with those too. If I get one I might be able to sleep all night with no problems and wake up without hurting.
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