
  1. D

    [Research] Vagal Nerve Stimulation

    Why the FDA Can’t Protect the Public Medical device makers often fail to properly conduct safety studies and the US Food and Drug Administration provides scant oversight. By Shannon Brownlee, New America Foundation and Jeanne Lenzer, medical investigative journalist November 2010 | BMJ...
  2. Birdbomb

    VNS Message Board

    The VNS Message Board has been on the move this weekend. I have now reached total independence and OWN the dang thing instead of relying on InvisionFree for the freebie. (this really means I have to now pay monthly server fees! =( Hey Bernard about that advertising.....) We are ALMOST ready...
  3. Birdbomb

    [News] VNS & Depression Investigation

    Feb 15th 2010 I will post link to the webcast This is gonna be HUGE! Stay tuned.........
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