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Army Vet

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Wow, just got some shocking (no pun intended) news to report. I just saw my neurologist from the VA last Friday and he put an order in to get a new VNS since my battery is playing with death. I got a call today asking about a 10 AM appointment for surgery this coming Tuesday. After the nightmare I had with my last VNS surgery (waiting to get everything in order and approved) I wasn't holding my breath and hoping for the best and preparing for the worst as far as it being postponed.

My new neurologist seems to be (is) a "holds-no-punches" person and makes sure the job/order gets done. He wanted to get it done before January and made a special order to see me in January to make sure the settings were good etc. Otherwise I was going to have to wait until 4/29/22. I figured December was going to be a "decent" respectful expectation, but in 1.5 weeks. I'm still thinking this is a dream šŸ˜‚

Sounds like Iā€™m excited about something so simple, but after fighting with the VA for years, just to get my foot in the door I was getting ready to listen to the elevator music for 20 hours a week. Part of it is I do have my foot in the door and don't have to prove everything this time. Secondly, moving closer to a major army base (30 minutes vs 3 hours) didn't hurt.

As with any surgery, there are risks, but Iā€™m willing to take it.
I appreciate the appreciation. Between Vietnam (the horror stories from my dad) and the treatment I have received since serving, Iā€™m just thankful people have learned that soldiers are just following orders and can't help what politicians vote on (ie where they send us and what the missions are). Also, not having a draft helps I believe lol. Hence why I say thanks for thanking me.
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