DMV Interviews

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Has anyone had to have an interview with a driver safety officer? I have one coming up and I don't know what to expect.
The one I had was pretty straight forward. You are sworn in as if you're on the stand, they record it, it feels like you've been a criminal, they ask a bunch of questions then you're done. It didn't take very long.
Gosh, sounds a little stressful. <<<<big hugs>>>>

You'll ace it.
Thanks. I'm really stressed about it. I just want my license back.
Good luck with the DMV interview & getting your licence back
It really is. I should call them and see if I can get something sooner.
Katie I have been through a meeting , or interview here in California when I was 16 years old, it was quick , mine didn't go well. I was informed that I would never have a driver's license in the state of California , and most likely other states as well. That was at least 23 years ago, I hope they have done some changing and their bed side manners are better: This truely was devasting to me, all I did was answer the dmv questions with complete and total honesty about my epilepsy and wham! a red flag went off for the California DMV, if I would have tried in another state I would have been given the chance to at least control my seizures, but not here in California back then, good luck, keep your head held high, don't let them buffalo you about never getting a license, it is possible I wish some one would have told me this 23 years ago
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