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Hi, everyone. I'm brand new here so I'm not quite sure where this thread belongs. I have grand mals once or twice a month. They've never been that common until this year (after 13 years of trying to stop weekly partials) and now I have a question. I know about the bit tongue and hurt head injuries because they always come with my seizures. But what about a torn muscle? I just found out today that I have a torn left hamstring requiring physical therapy. I just want to know how it happened. I don't remember doing anything drastic to it and I don't play sports. I want to know if it could have happened because of a seizure. My husband hasn't witnessed a grand mal in several weeks and I did not have a reason to suspect one. I never thought about the chance of a muscle injury because of a seizure, how common is that? Of course the dr I saw today gave me the blank look and raised eyebrow when I mentioned it.
Well all I know is that lengthy treatment with phenobarbital may cause shrinkage of the tendons of the hands and feet. The changes occur particularly in the tendons of the little finger, ring and middle fingers. But I am not sure what u are having is something related or not! Expert advice needed!!
Sounds plausable to me. If you think about all the stress and strain that your muscles go through, I would say that probably happens more than we know. I love your doc's response! You know they go through how many years of training and seeing patients, yet they all can have that same "look" :)
Hi LMRegcellent, welcome!

I've torn a shoulder muscle during a grand mal. So yeah, it can happen. Your hamstring tear might be from a seizure, or it could be that a past seizure did some small damage that then got worse with additional seizures or even with normal activity.
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