It's hot!

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Anyone care to switch houses? Surely you'd love to visit Dallas..:D
Yuk, you can keep your summer

we’re half way through winter here. Supposed to be approx 13c tomorrow which is about 55f.
Oh my gosh, 55! I'm so jealous!
Yesterday afternoon it started to get hot in the house. It was 79 inside and not 73 like it's supposed to be. I was in a panic..
Hubs went outside and sprayed down the unit. Thank god it worked. Hopefully it stays that way...knock wood!
How hot does it get there during the summer? Do y'all have central air?
Ugh, the heat 😭

It has been a hot weekend! I hope this week it'll cool down at least a little bit. We went to the big city this weekend and it was 107-110 degrees. Felt more like 120, but the news will never say that xD The car also broke down...and our battery we got stuck without AC. Thankfully I was able to walk the kids across the parking lot to a burger joint for the AC, but man...was miserable :( it was a bad day...glad we're back home, where it's at least 10 - 20 degrees cooler, but it is still hot >_<
It is in the 90's in Birmingham. But having spent the winter and fall in Phoenix. It still seems cool
Now it’s saying only 105 today instead of 107. Cool front. :LOL:

October can’t get here soon enough!
How hot does it get there during the summer? Do y'all have central air?
We work on Celsius not Fahrenheit

So can get as high as low 40s (40c is approx 104f).

I have a air conditioner in the lounge but it’s never worked properly and I don’t like it so I have water cooler, portable fans.

Its enough to keep me cool as I only have small place.

I hate the heat, prefer Autumn (fall) but doesn’t last long
It's in the lower 90's in central NY but we have had a lot of rain and when I got up this morning
I looked at the ceiling only to find it had a leak so now it's time to get someone to patch up the
roof. I like the warmer weather much more than the cold winter weather where your heating bill
goes up more and more each yr.
I was talking to my brother whose living in America and he said it’s hot.
He’s used to our Aussie heat lol but apparently it’s hot there
I know Dallas gets hot! When I got married, we lived in Arlington, TX before moving back to Chicago because of my father's health. I still remember the heatwave of 1988--around 300 people died in Chicago due to the heat/humidity. Then we had that heatwave in 2012, the summer after we moved into the house we live in now.
I heard parts of Europe are having heatwaves too. I'm betting most of those folks don't have AC.

I know Texas is cheaper to live in..sure you don't want to move back? :ROFLMAO:

102 as of 2:30pm. And I got to get out in it. Yay..not.
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