What diets have you tried (>1 month) for seizure control?

What diets have you tried (for at least a month) in hopes of better seizure control?

  • Ketogenic diet

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • Modified Atkins diet

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • G.A.R.D. diet

    Votes: 11 14.5%
  • Low Glycemic diet

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Other (post below)

    Votes: 18 23.7%
  • None

    Votes: 41 53.9%

  • Total voters

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Multiple choice anonymous voting. Please vote for any that you have tried whether they worked or not.
No special diet but added Zinc and lots more protien and I became seizure free. It worked for me.;)
Looks like a log of folks are viewing this poll and not voting. I suspect most of them fall into the none category.
Epi added Folate (Folic Acid) aka
Vitamin, due to birth defect / genetic issues sustained
from birth, recently along with my AED's.
I have given up suger, cigs,coffee in the hopes of reducing my szs. I take vitamins daily
as well as agreen drink. But what has worked the best has been the meds or the vns
inplant when it worked and now the homeopathy.

I was never that determined to try the diets.

Stacy tried the G.A.R.D. diet, but it did not work out for her.

She is currently on the low glycemic diet (mostly) and it is working out for her.
I guess the trianed chef in me , doesn't want the restrictions of a diet . I just enjoy going out to eat too much and you never know maybe one day I will start cooking and baking again?

I too have given up sugar... HAHAHAHAHAHa! THat's what Bernie thinks! Actually, I don't eat much sugar. When I eat any, I have to be very careful about how much and what kind. If I have two bites of something (last night's cake and pudding), I'm satisfied. However, I cannot eat more than that. If I don't eat any, I find myself wanting it more and more and more. But by eating just that tiny bit, I can control myself the rest of the time. Also, I may end up taking an extra pill, just to be on the safe side. Also please note that this can only be done for me once in a while. every day is no good.

My hormones are also crazy and I take Pregnenolone (10mg) every day the first time I start waking up. My seizures are usually in that REM sleep phase, so I have trained myself to take Pregeneolone every morning. It really helps. Bernie gives all the credit to the Dilantin. I beg to differ.

I don't drink Coffee, or any caffiene. I have committed myself to doing exercise, although I must admit, all I have recently, is a committment. I do get lots of exercise running up and down the stairs, and chasing my children all over the place. Not as much as I'd like, but more than nothing. I'll get back in the routine soon. I always stretch before I go to bed, and I try to stretch 2-3 times a day to reduce stress. If I keep telling myself about the other exercise, I may actually do it again!
1 month and 2 days on the GARD diet and off my meds and enjoying every moment of it.
I guess I am ready for it !!!!!!! I do yoga daily and walk 80 blocks in the morning and 31 blcoks in the afternoon . I hoping the weight I put on with my underactive thyroid will slowly come off and I will have my body back. I switched my homeopathy med for the epilepsy and thyroid . So I am keeping my fingers crossed. Plus the Gard diet I shoudl get my body back!!!!! If that happens I will be the happiest women around,sz control,no AEDS, plus my body back!!!!!!!
I've tried different things (well, not Cetogenic - I simply hate the idea; would prefer to have seizures than be on it) - without results. It seems I need to give up my periods :)

As for sugar and sweeteners: I've always hated sweet taste, so I don't know if they have any influence at SZ's.
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After brain surgery failed to stop my seizures and I drugs absolutely did not work, I went for several years being nearly bedridden with uncontrolled seizures at home alone. While I was learning some behavior control methods to manage, I also relized I regularly would have a seizure about an hour after lunch. I went to the hospital dietician to see if she could help me figure out what in my lunch might set off my seizures, those and the really awful ones at night with heart palpitations.
She did a lot of searching and told me that the milk I was drinking could lead to lactose acidosis and trigger seizures, that it can cause an "adrenaline rush." She also suggested a gluten free diet. When I quit the milk, and milk products, my nocturnal seizures all but stopped, the ones that caused the cardiac arrythmia. Going on a gluten free diet helped further reduce my seizure frequency.
Be careful Riva. Rebecca had three months seizure free after starting the diet and BOOM it hit again. Not really sure why. Just don't want you to get discouraged if it isn't the final answer.

Zoe that is so good to hear. They have been reduced, not controlled?

For Rebecca it is hard to see a connection between dietary infractions and a seizure. I wish it was an immediate result, like a stomach ache. It would certainly be easier to track.
I was just wondering yesterday about how this might be added... and look you were already on top of it.
Thanks Bernard.
Ive tried just organic fruits and veggies organic fooods only yes even my coffee and sugar thinking it would help:) Ive also tired to cut back on sugar but never lasted very long with that I dont like artificial sugars
Have you ever used raw sugar Angel? It isn't as processed as the refined white, and tastes good. I would say stay away from the artificial sugars as they are linked to seizure occurances.

Also I am not sure where I read this (perhaps on Dr. Mercoloa's site) that if you go organic on any one food it should be eggs. Now I am thinking I need to go entirely organic on meats, as I just read that they spray meat (and produce) with citric acid, which when it is made from hydrolyzed corn is a form of glutamate.
I guess I have always done a modified form of the GARD diet. (?) I don't eat ANY artificial sweetners (devils candy) or MSG! I try really hard to avoid all processed foods, but just like Stacey was saying about the cake....it has a way of sneaking in.
I also try and get my friends and family to consider these health concepts. I think corn syrup and preservatives are ruining the american diet! It is not just epileptics that need to be concerned, but everyone.
(off rant, lol)
If you eat processed foods are you sure you are not having any MSG?

Always contain MSG
Monosodium glutamate
monopotassium glutamate
Natrium glutamate
glutamic acid
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
Hydrolyzed Corn gluten
Autolyzed Plant Protein
sodium caseinate
calcium caseinate
textured protein
yeast extract
yeast food or nutrient
autolyzed yeast

Often contain MSG
Natural pork flavoring
Natural beef flavoring
Whey protein concentrate
Whey Protein
Whey protein isolate
Natural flavors and flavorings
Citric Acid
Natural chicken flavoring
Barley Malt
Anything enzyme modified
Enzymes anything
Malt extract
Malt flavoring
Soy protein isolate
Soy sauce
Soy sauce extract
Soy protein
Soy protein concentrate
Anything protein fortified
Low fat
No fat milk
Milk powder
Dry milk solids
Protein fortified Milk
Lipolyzed butter fat
Caramel Flavoring (coloring)
Corn syrup
Corn syrup solids
Rice syrup or brown rice syrup
Modified food starch
Anything enriched or vitamin enriched

Disodium guanylate

MSG have been reported in shampoos, hair conditioners and cosmetics. It is hidden in the words hydrolyzed, amino acids, and protein.

Binders and fillers, and gelatin capsules for medication, nutrients and supplements, both prescription and non-prescription, even fluids administered intravenously in hospitals, may contain MSG.

Chicken Pox Vaccine contains L-monosodium glutamate and hydrolyzed gelatin according to the manufacturer

Some reactions are immediate to a small amount, and others might occur up to 48 hrs later.


disodium inosinate
Anything fermented
I've actually cut out the wheat gluten and the lactose over the last several years, and have had next to NO problems...in the last 4 years. So, no, no real diet, just cutting out things that I know I'm allergic to (wheat gluten, lactose, potatoes, mushrooms, corn & olives). I really do feel better. I don't know how to explain it other than that.


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