
  1. Bernard

    Epilepsy Book Reviews

    Feel free to write a review for any book you have read about epilepsy. There are only a few rules for this forum:If you are writing a review for a book that has not been reviewed yet, create a new thread and use the book title for the thread titleIf you want to write your own review for a book...
  2. J

    Good Books?

    Hi guys, there were a few good books suggested on some posts, however now I cant find on which ones, lol :) If you remember posting a recommendation for a good book, books about epilepsy, neurological stuff, I cant really recall what all the exact topic were, but they were in relation to...
  3. epileric

    Herb & Drug Book

    I just got the book "Herb Contraindications & drug Interactions" by Francis Brinker ND. I find it a great reference. It tells just what the title says, but with the medications it tells how vitamines, minerals & herbs increase or decrease the effects of the meds (or vice versa). I know about...
  4. Bernard

    If you love a book, set it free

    I thought this was a pretty neat idea: The basic idea is you write a note on the inside cover of a book and leave it somewhere for a stranger to find - hopefully to read it and similarly pass it on to another. Those who find the book can use a reference number in the...
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