eeg results improved

  1. S

    Photosensitive Epilepsy and music production, risky but worth giving it a shot.

    Hello my name is Sid and i’m a aspiring engineer coping and kind-of conquering my photosensitive epilepsy. I am 21 years old and i have been seizure free for about one and a half years since my diagnoses which involves taking a anti-epileptic drug named “Clonazepam”. But recently i have been...
  2. P

    What's your favorite joke?

    They say that “laughter is the best medicine.” Well, believe it or not, it could help your EEG results! For example, scientists traced the brainwave activity of people responding to funny material. They were hooked up to an (EEG) and their brain activity was measured when they laughed. In...
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