
  1. C

    new to all this, looking for help and advise.

    :brain: i do not understand the things going on inside my head. which im guessing a lot of us don't, but its scary when there is something medical going on that you know nothing about and doctors cant really explain. (at least my dr couldnt) dec 24 2013 i woke up to my fiance grabbing my face...
  2. K

    Do you find the term 'epileptic' insulting?

    Many,many years back, I was doing some work for my local epilepsy foundation and used the term 'epileptic' with the editor. He very firmly told me that we are not 'epileptic,' we 'have epilepsy,' because epilepsy was not the sum total of who we are. At the time, I thought he was being pretty...
  3. A

    Is The Term Brainstorming Offensive?

    Heard a brilliant story from my dad the other day. He was at work with a group of guys from his department "brainstorming" on a whiteboard, when he was pulled to one side by an HR guy and told that he is not allowed to use the term "brainstorm" anymore, and must use "idea showers" instead. The...
  4. Elaine H

    Ignorance of Epilepsy in the United Kingdom!!!!

    I have got to tell all you lovely people in CWE about what I saw yesterday in a national newspaper, here in the U.K! The Sun newspaper featured an article yesterday, it was about Tonbridge Wells County Council, they had decided to strictly ban the use of the phrase "Brainstorm" and replace it...
  5. Bee91

    Offended Epileptics...

    How many people get offended when you are called 'an epileptic' or being 'epileptic' instead of 'having epilepsy' or anything along those lines? I had never thought of that until I was doing a project for school about epilepsy and was reading about the word 'epileptic' and it said it was an...
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