1 Year Today!!!

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Today (March 23rd) I got to wake up knowing I was 1-year grand-mal FREE!!!

I don't know if anyone else gets so psyched (mushy, happy, telling friends and family, and even celebrating) about annual milestones, but I just can't help it. Feels so good. Especially when the last two were only seven weeks apart.
I'm sure getting off Topamax and onto Lamotrigine has played a big part in it (woot woot!)

Do you guys feel good/make a big deal/see it as a big step as well, or is it just another day in the big pool of E crap? I'm interested to hear!
Hi qtowngirl

Congratulations, i dont have E my daughter dose. But we look forward to reaching a year . She manages 8 months which is good , when you read about other peoples experiences tho it gives you hope . Fingers crossed you have another year free from E X
You know what u celebrate everday u are seizure free.cause of those who aren"t and may never be 5 meds right now. but a yr free after awhile I think just go on living again and.hope it dont reer its ugly head.but dont try n forget its there remember u have it controlled! My sisters is under control but she acts asif she never had e she doesnt realize at any moment it can all come back but u seem grateful for yours.
I guess being a year grand-mal (tonic-clonic) free is a milestone. It does feel good. I've been free of tonic-clonics for 6 years, but still have those miserable CP's every now and then, so for me, I am not completely seizure free. I know my seizures could go into a full blown TC when my VNS stops working. And I still take Keppra and Topomax.
Lima,its the capital of Peru,you asked a stupid question so i gave ya a stupid answer girl lol!!! Of course its a milestone and you have every right to be proud,if we didnt have little things like that it would as you put it just one pile of E crap.
So you think happy thoughts pure proud for you qtowngirl,hope it lasts!!!
I'm coming up on a 4-year milestone at the end of May, and I'm getting all weepy and happy just thinking about it! Four years ago I missed my oldest nephew's high-school graduation because of a massive seizure. This year he's graduating from college, and I will sooooo be there! Knock. On. Wood.
Congratulations Qtown.

Every day, month or year that we can go without a seizure is great especially if we beat our longest seizure free time.

After I started taking seizures again in 2002 I very rarely had tonic clonics, it has been 8 years since I took my last known Tonic Clonic. Although in 2008 I had a bad seizure & have no memory of what happened between 9am - 12pm that day. We aren't really sure about what happened because all the nurse at the hospital told us was a stranger found me in the street & rang the ambulance so I don't know if it was a Tonic Clonic or really bad complex partial I took.

After I had my surgery all I wanted to do was get to being 6 months seizure free because before my surgery the longest I had gone without a complex partial was 5 months & an aura was approx 1 month.
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