21mth old with suspected Absence seizures

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My 21mth old son had an eeg yesterday and it may be 2 weeks before we have report as he is having suspected absence seizures he had a nap last wekk in the afternoon and woke 15minutes into sleep screaming his cry was like he was in pain I took videos his left big toe hyperextended and left hand was cupped upwards (could this be unilateral dystonic posturing of a limb???) I have videos but cant post links as I am new does anyone know if unilateral dystonic posturing of a limb can involve just the big toe and hand on the same side of the body (left)

If it were my baby...
I would do an immediate trial (3-6 mo) of no dairy, wheat, soy or corn products.

Have there been any antibiotics given?
Hi Doncar, welcome to CWE!

Limb jerking/tensing can involve specific muscle groups (like fist and toe) and/or larger muscle groups. Did it look a bit like this? It might be an indication of a focal neurological issue, but I would hesitate to draw any conclusions at this point.

If her symptoms do turn out to be seizure-related, keep in mind that many children grow out of seizure disorders. In addition, as RobinN suggests, there are nutritional approaches (including the Modified Atkins Diet) that can be effective.

Thank you for the welcomes

Robin: my 4 year old has a dairy /soya allergy and Jaydon my baby has been allergy tested and is ok with these

He has been on lots of antibiotics last dose was a few weeks ago for a chest/throat infection

What is the relavance in excluding the food groups and antibiotic use Im so new to all of this so excuse my ignorance

Nakamova .... no its not like the video you posted his hand and toe dont jerk or twitch just in an unusual position I do have videos on my facebook profile and you tube I think you can search .....Jaydon left leg and Jaydon possible Absense seizures hyperextended toe and left hand and toe absense and left hand like pins and needles and then Im back :)

thank you for your help
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I personally would consider the health of the gut... as antibiotics kill all the necessary bacteria for a healthy gut. If he were my child I would introduce a quality probiotic.

A person can be tested but still have reactive sensitivities. I haven't found our testing to be "perfect". If his little body is sensitive, you might notice some improvement or elimination of the particular type of neuro distress after eliminating certain foods.

I found most doctors won't go on this journey with you, unless the orginal testing comes back positive. Or perhaps it is the insurance companies won't pay for the doctors time on that subject. I don't mean to say that the doctor doesn't care, but they do have to be paid for their time.

With my daughter it has taken trial and error to find what worked. Now she is med free and seizure free for over 9 mos.
thats amazing when you say sensitive Jaydon is super sensitive I think we have sensory processing issues as his older brother has and Jaydon certainly is presenting with some of the same traits . It wont be difficult for me to eliminate those food groups as I already do for my 4 year old just a matter of taking wheat and corn out of the equation also . thanks for the information and I will look into a probiotic

Jaydon has respiratory issues sleep apnea hypotonia and now the suspected seizures the hypotonia is left sided weakness and torso probably due to oxygen deprivation in the first 5 months of life I also had an almost complete placental abruption and he was crowning for who knows how long in his amniotic sac and had heart deceleration and cord wrap at birth so really if they find it to be epilepsy I can almost bet it is the medial temporal lobe that has been affected I am by no means a doctor but that it would make total sense

Thanks for the diet information will start that in the morning

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