Brooke Shields had a grand mal seizure

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Brooke Shields revealed that she had a grand mal seizure in September, just days before the debut of her cabaret show in New York City.

The 58-year-old actor said the incident happened on Sept. 7 as she was waiting to be seated at a New York City restaurant.

"I go [into the restaurant], two women come up to me; I don’t know them. Everything starts to go black," Shields told Glamour. "Then my hands drop to my side and I go headfirst into the wall. I start having a grand mal seizure."
Shields then explained that her seizure was triggered by low sodium.

"I had had too much water. I flooded my system, and I drowned myself. And if you don’t have enough sodium in your blood or urine or your body, you can have a seizure," she said. ...

Welcome to our world, Brooke.
I saw that on TV when it happened. I didn't know what they were going to say caused it. But you can have a seizure by drinking too much water. Never would have thought it but I guess it is ture.

"[That type of seizure] means frothing at the mouth, totally blue, trying to swallow my tongue. The next thing I remember, I'm being loaded into an ambulance," she said. "I have oxygen on. And Bradley f— Cooper is sitting next to me holding my hand."
- Should we let her know that can't happen so she won't worry about it?
Oh my goodness! The thought of a grand mal while waiting in a restaurant. I really cannot imagine that. All of my grand mal has been at home Celt one and lucky for me it was in the hospital
... Should we let her know that can't happen so she won't worry about it?

Why not? I'm guessing she has a Twitter or other social media account where folks can reach her.

... The thought of a grand mal while waiting in a restaurant. I really cannot imagine that. ...

Happened to my wife many years ago when she was out with some friends. That's the only TC/grand mal she's ever had out in public (if you exclude seizures in the ER/hospital) since I've known her. It was awful. Her friends didn't know what to do and freaked out. Restaurant called an ambulance and took her to the ER. It was a mess.
It's even worse if these things become televised - the comments are horrendous and all people do is make fun. 😥

I have heard of over-hydration and I've seen articles with doctors telling people even not to be downing water all day long and to sip throughout the day to get hydrated and stay hydrated, but not much more than that because it depletes your electrolytes, which are indeed important. I feel like electrolytes are sometimes everything when you have a seizure disorder.

Hope it'll be a smooth recovery for her.
... stay hydrated, but not much more than that because it depletes your electrolytes, which are indeed important. ...

It's been some years since the last time I went over there, but I have spent many months in the middle east while doing consulting work. The workplaces (refineries/chemical plants) have posters/signs near all the bathrooms with color charts to check your urine color (to ensure that you are properly hydrated). It was while I was working over there that I learned why the cuisine over there features so much lemon juice - it's so they can add more salt to meals (and still taste good). They need the salt in the diet because they lose so much from the heat/sweat.
I don't know how many different places covered that she'd had the seizure but I'm sure a lot did and a lot of people know about it. If you notice in this article it says "these types of seizure" and "That type of seizure" might make people realize that there are more types of seizures other than Grand Mals.

If people see that in articles then they might realize that there are different types of seizures and read up about them.
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