Cheers everyone

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I haven't been around CWE much lately. I will try to make more time for CWE. You folk are awesome.

The holidays and end of the year are coming up and it's been a long, odd road since C19 gripped the world. I hope you all are doing well. Cheers.
Hey hey :D

No need to apologize. I wasn't on for like ever because I forgot my password and for some reason wasn't getting the password reset e-mails for a time xD haha. But yeah, things are getting busy, and I suppose have been crazy for the past couple years.
Hi Bernard,
It's great to see you back on, I know you are busy all the time.

Here's wishing you and everyone here a Happy Holiday with a Happy Healthy New YearšŸ¤—

Wishing you and your wife only the best and May God Bless All of You!

Cheers to you Bernard! I hope you and everyone else on the forum happy and healthy holidays.
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