Exercise may boost brain's natural antidepressant

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Reuters said:
Exercise seems to increase the production of naturally occurring brain chemical with antidepressant effects in mice, researchers reported Sunday.

The findings, published in the journal Nature Medicine, point to potential new ways to treat depression in people.


In particular, exercise enhanced activity in the gene for a nerve growth factor known as VGF. Nerve growth factors are small proteins important in the development and maintenance of nerve cells.

Moreover, when the researchers infused a synthetic version of VGF into the brains of the mice, it produced a "robust antidepressant effect" in standardized tests of animals placed in stressful situations.


Besides offering more support for the benefits of exercise, the findings also point to VGF as a target for new antidepressants, according to Duman and his colleagues. Such medications, they point out, would work by an entirely different mechanism than existing antidepressants, which are effective for about 65 percent of patients.

Exercise may boost brain's natural antidepressant
Some of the things that they do research on amazes me. Anyone that has ever exercised knows the great feelings of doing so.
Perhaps instead of another drug they need to figure out ways to get the depressed person off of the couch and out doing something. A viscious cycle it seems... I guess the antidepressant might just get oneself up and moving, but then the dependance to the drugs is high.

Even not depressed it is hard to make it a priority. All a matter of choices in life right?
It really isn't anything new though, good food, exercise, and love.
Some of the things that they do research on amazes me. Anyone that has ever exercised knows the great feelings of doing so.
Perhaps instead of another drug they need to figure out ways to get the depressed person off of the couch and out doing something. A viscious cycle it seems... I guess the antidepressant might just get oneself up and moving, but then the dependance to the drugs is high.

Even not depressed it is hard to make it a priority. All a matter of choices in life right?
It really isn't anything new though, good food, exercise, and love.
This is definitely true! I walk at least 2 miles ( no more than 4 miles) daily regardless of weather. It gives me a fresh environment, contact with other people and helps me do my daily exercise. I have a nagging dog who intensely stares at me until we do that walk. I have solved so many problems during that walk simply from taking a break and getting a different perspective.

It's always great to have a partner!!
I have solved so many problems during that walk simply from taking a break and getting a different perspective.

:agree: That's a very good point. I also find the same happens down the gym. After I've done a session on the weights, and then jumped on the bike afterwards, alot of my 'what I thought were problems' actually minimize to 'realism'....proving that life ain't as bad as I was thinking
This is definitely true! I walk at least 2 miles ( no more than 4 miles) daily regardless of weather. It gives me a fresh environment, contact with other people and helps me do my daily exercise. I have a nagging dog who intensely stares at me until we do that walk. I have solved so many problems during that walk simply from taking a break and getting a different perspective.

It's always great to have a partner!!

I believe it is true as well. One only needs to exercise regularly to know the benefits. I just find it interesting sometimes what they study. Seems all you have to do is ask people how they feel.

Now if they would only do a study to find out why our mind plays games on us, talking us out of doing something that ultimately is going to feel good... now that is a study that I want to read.
I agree that exercise fights/prevents depression. I once read a book on excersice that said the same thing.
Perfect timing

Thanks for posting that Bernard. I used to work out & loved the feeling, not to mention the drop in seizure activity.

Recently I've been fighting depression so I've neglected going to the gym. Reading this thread is what I needed to hear for incentive.
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