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What are your plans for halloween. Do you celebrate it?

I always leave a bowl of treats for the kids. Living where I do, we get absolutely loads of trick or treaters. Last year I did gummy spiders, and they were actually quite successfull so might do the same this year.

I'll decorate too, and I'll probably listen to some scary music (I mean perfect chance to listen to Thrhiller, right?)

I don't dress up, I'm scary enough as I am. Lol.. I don't need a costume

I also don't do scary movies. It's not that I don't do them as such, it's more I can't sit there long enough to watch it

Sometimes, (but not always), we have a scare show near us with Live actors

Last year they did one onboard a boat. I remember it vividly because I was really scared of the water (even though the water was behind a glass).
We stopped participating when our kids got too old for it and all our neighbors weren't participating. Our street remains dark on Halloween.
Did some decorating for it today.

Few spiders and a dracula. more to do though
I don’t do it.
It’s not as big in Australia as USA and I guess England
It’s only recent people have been getting into it.
If a house is happy for kids to trick or treat then they leave some sort of sign, eg decorate the outside of the house.

I’ve seen a few people going trick or treating but not a lot
I live in the country and we've never really gotten trick or treaters. The house always gets decorated up though.
We have a new tradition of going to Salem Massachusetts the week before. My daughter is into the Salem Witch Trials.
We still get kids looking for candy. I’ll be handing it out, no costume though. Maybe a funny Hat. 🎩
I’ve worn this costume too many times. 🤕
We have a new tradition of going to Salem Massachusetts the week before. My daughter is into the Salem Witch Trials.
We still get kids looking for candy. I’ll be handing it out, no costume though. Maybe a funny Hat. 🎩
I’ve worn this costume too many times. 🤕
What candy do you usually give the kids?

Last year I did candy spiders, and this year I'm doing bleeding brains though the blood in the centre of the candy isn't actually blood. lol.

It's the feeling you get when you eat it

Last year some poor girl convinced herself she was going to eat an actual spider.
Also, I've not quite decided if I'm dressing up as the wicked witch of the west, or the queen of narnia

She misses her dracula costume.... hmm
We stick with the traditional. Milky Way, Snickers, and Recesses peanut butter cups.
Fun size.
I steal some Recesses 😋
I usually get kit kat and M&M's for the kids and then I put them in a pig shaped
bowl and when the kids put their hand in the candy dish the pig will start oinking.
A lot of the kids get a good laugh out of it but if I see a small child. I can turn the
switch off underneath the bowl so the pig won't oink and scare the child.
I usually get kit kat and M&M's for the kids and then I put them in a pig shaped
bowl and when the kids put their hand in the candy dish the pig will start oinking.
A lot of the kids get a good laugh out of it but if I see a small child. I can turn the
switch off underneath the bowl so the pig won't oink and scare the child.
I got a good laught just by reading that

What fun!. Where on earth did you get an oinking pig bowl from (I want!)
Hi Gina,

My mother in law bought it for me since she knows I collect pigs. I'm not sure but
she may have bought it at Spencer Gifts.
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