Happy New Year!

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Loopy Lou

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I've now joined CQ in 2020, will be nice to see yous when you also get here!

Just stood with my glass of prosecco to watch the houses across the road let off their fireworks, and opened the front and back windows to let the old year out and the new one in. Let's hope it's a better one!
A very Happy and peaceful new year to you and everybody. "Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Duit"

“Always remember to forget
The troubles that pass away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.”
Welcome to 2020 Lou & Fedup
I didn’t even make it to midnight 😂, was exhausted yesterday so in bed by 10.30pm.

Heard fireworks going off a couple blocks from me when I went to bed, sure they had more fireworks at midnight but missed them 😴😂
I celebrated the New Year when it hit the Azores, didn't wait for it to roll into Boston. :)
Cheers everyone!
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