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Super Moderator / Thank You Queen
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For those who celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a safe and healthy holiday!
And to everyone, I want to express my thanks for your company on this awesome forum, and to Bernard for creating and maintaining the CWE home. :)
Hi Nakamova,

Here's wishing You and everyone here a Wonderful Thanksgiving. I must say if it wasn't for all of you here at CWE I wonder
where I would be today. Each and everyone one of you have been a great support and friend to me.
Bernard thank you so much for creating CWE it is FANTASTIC. Wishing all of you only the Best and May God Bless You!

Perhaps my favorite holiday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. :)
We dont have thanksgiving here in Australia but hope all the members who do have a great day.
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Hope you all have a great turkey day, we need to wait til next month for ours :P Also, i've heard that pumpkin pie is awesome, so have some for me :D
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