I really beat myself up

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I had three seizures Wednesday. I'd fallen in the yard during one. The other two I fell out of bed while I was asleep. When I woke up the next morning both of my eyes and half of my face was black and blue. Both of my arms are pretty bruised up, I think I did that on my nightstand. During one of the seizures I'd even knocked a contact out of my eye.

I'm going out this weekend so I hope the bruises are gone by then.

I think this is the first time I've had a seizure and I've ended up bruised all over. If someone asks what happened I'm going to tell them "I was in a boxing match. You should see what the other guy looks like!" 😄
Oh no! I'm sorry that happened to you. :(

I hope you heal up fast and don't have to look like you were in a boxing ring!
Not fun for you, sorry to hear about the bruises. Nothing broken I hope.
Hi Val,

I'm so sorry to hear you had so many seizures and got bruised up, I hope the bruises go away quickly. I had
a bunch of seizures this past Thursday along with a wicked migraine headache. I think it happened because
there was a low pressure in the weather.
You get well and May God Bless You,

Thanks everyone! Luckily I don't think I broke anything. Half my jaw is really bruised and I'm surprised that I didn't break it. Since I can't see myself I don't realize how banged up I am but when I look in the mirror I get to see what everyone else is getting to look at and it's not a pretty picture.

I went to the dentist today for a cleaning and I when the dental hygienist saw me I think she was scared to death I was going to have a seizure in the chair while she was cleaning my teeth. She knew my dad was in the office too getting his teeth cleaned and I showed her how to use my VNS magnet and she was better after that.

I'm going to a concert Friday and I hope I heal up some by then. If not I could tell people I'm a stunt double for a famous movie actress in a high action film coming out. I'll say that the movie isn't done being filmed and I can't say who the actress is or what it's about. Think it would work? It will be dark at the concert though so the bruises might just blend in.
... When I woke up the next morning both of my eyes and half of my face was black and blue. Both of my arms are pretty bruised up, I think I did that on my nightstand. During one of the seizures I'd even knocked a contact out of my eye.

There was a period of time where my wife would ball up her hands into fists while having complex partial seizures and proceed to rub her eyes with her fists. If you did something similar, I could understand how that might dislocate contact lenses and/or bruise tissue around the eyes.

I'm sorry to hear about the seizures.
Beating myself up too. Fell yesterday and now I’m going to have a scar above both eyes. Probably could have gone to the hospital for a stitches but the bandage eventually stopped the bleeding. My shoulder is killing me but I don’t think anything is wrong with it. On vacation with my son and three of his friends. Got my sleep schedule all messed up. 😑
I'm starting to heal up some, still banged up pretty good though.

I went to a graduation party yesterday for my cousin though. My family knows I have epilepsy so when I tell them I'm black and blue from a seizure they'll know I'm telling the trough. They won't think that my boyfriend did it to me. Because that's the first thing people think when they see a woman a beat up.
Glad to hear that you made it to the party 👍
I’m healing up. Hopeful for a good nights slumber.
On Thursday the swelling had gone down on my face but on part was still swollen, I little hard inside and I looked like I have a dimple, which I don't have. I called the dr and went in on Friday. She ordered a CT scan because she said that if there were any problems an x-ray might not show them. She called back Monday and said there weren't any broken bones. The swelling on my face is probably a hematoma and should go away in a little while.
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