[News] Increase in Seizures Seen in Kids With H1N1 Flu

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For mother's of children with epilepsy, beware of the H1N1 virus:

Mon Sep 20, 11:48 pm ET

MONDAY, Sept. 20 (HealthDay News) -- Children made ill by the 2009 pandemic H1N1 swine flu virus suffered more seizures and other nervous system problems than those with seasonal flu, a new report reveals.
In the study, published in the September issue of the journal Annals of Neurology, researchers compared neurological complications in 303 children (younger than 19 years) who were hospitalized with H1N1 and 234 children hospitalized with seasonal flu.
Among the 303 youngsters with H1N1, 18 children -- most of whom had underlying nerve-related conditions -- experienced neurological complications. The most common neurologic symptoms were seizures (67 percent) and encephalopathy (50 percent), a brain disorder that can range from mild to serious and potentially fatal.
More than half of the children with seizures arrived at the hospital in a life-threatening state called status epilepticus, where seizure activity occurs continuously for more than five to 30 minutes, the University of Utah researchers explained.
Among the 234 children with seasonal flu, 16 experienced neurological complications, although the study authors noted that none had encephalopathy.
The children with H1N1 (also known as swine flu) were hospitalized between April 1, 2009 and Nov. 30, 2009, and the children with seasonal flu were hospitalized between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2008.
"We found that more pediatric H1N1 patients had neurological deficits and required ongoing treatment with anti-epileptic medications upon discharge from the hospital," study author Dr. Josh Bonkowsky noted in a news release from the journal's publisher.
now how many of those seizures and H1N1 contractions happened due to the supposed vaccine. As several adults here in Winnipeg had received the vaccine, contracted H1N1 as a result and some suffered near immediate seizures, and continued seizures due to the vaccine. 1 woman and her daughter got such a bad case of h1n1 from the vaccine that both suffered severe seizures to the point where the woman can no longer walk and still suffers seizures, and the daughter passed away.

I'd like to know if these children experiencing the seizures contracted H1N1 naturally or from the vaccine.
Rae I was thinking the same thing as I didn't get the shots last year, I did have a mild flu bout.
But I was concerned as the last flu shot several yrs ago made me feel funny , and hypersensitive for a week.
Yet I have been warned by prior DR not to get the flu . So I'm still thinking about it , but my Mom called from Florida and said people down there are coming down sick already( early seasonal flu)So she went and got the shot!
I would also like to ask IF anyone Knows if the Killed virus is better.?..My mom had to get a special one because of Dads Cancer.

People with a chronic health problem, very small children, or pregnant women shouldn't have the live virus. In everyone else it's not supposed to cause the flu. But I wonder. Then why do they not let my dog around other dogs for 3 days when he's had a live bordatella vaccine via the nose? The live flu nasal dose for people lets everybody be around everybody. Maybe not a comparable situation, but it still makes me go "hmmmmmm"

Here's a link to flu vaccine info: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm

Here's a link to flu vaccine FAQs: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/qa/flushot.htm

I always get the dead vaccine via injection. I get really sick afterwards. My doctor says it's because my immune system is reacting. It THINKS I'm sick, but I'm not. And it's the immune system reacting that makes us feel so miserable when we're sick, not the infection itself. (runny nose, aches, fever, etc.)

I get the vaccine every year because when I get the flu it quite often turns into Pneumonia.
Same here I get pneumonia , used to be a smoker.Also My doctor was afraid of me getting fevers as he always said I had a low seizure threshold, but wouldn't DX me . If a med says "Don't take this if you have seizure disorder-"
I can't because my worst times have been when I ignored the warning.
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