Just got changed to Lamictal today, low dose-but don't start for one week to allow a taper off Topamax, as I got a terrible eyelid and lower facial twitch side effect from the Topamax.(well, never had ones like that until on it, so just drawing the conclusion it was a side effect of Topamax, so neuro is discontinuing it) In the meantime, I remain on Keppra. My sole symptom that rendered E as a suspicion is an olfactory aura of an unpleasant burn smell-been going on four years. Duration of the aura is 12 hours a day and sometimes goes past 24 hours and has been as long as 38 hours, leading neuro to have to wonder how I could be having constant electrical charges and not lead to a big generalized event, which I never have. I've never lost consciousness and the auras go nowhere. So the deal is we're not so sure I have SPS. He's never "formally" diagnosed me with it, but has been prescribing me AED's for suspected E. When I also reported headache issues, and then the aura also being triggered by an external smell, the possibility I have migraine entered the arena, so we've been trying AED's that are also used for migraine, once the Keppra alone did nothing and I was reporting an increase in headaches and history of some severe ones. Well, since I've been on Topamax, and then an increase of it, with these wicked twitches, it's basically, NEXT. Lamictal it is, even though it's not classically known for migraines. Well-I'm not thrilled with the rash side effect possibility (much less the fact that in rare cases it can be very serious). I'm half tempted to call the office and say forget it-try something else. Is Lamictal worth the risk of trying? After the facial twitches, I'm not thrilled, but Keppra has been fine, and Depakote ER was also fine. So maybe Lamictal should be fine. I don't usually react to medications. I take others for some other health issues with no problem. Topamax was the only time I ever had an issue, but it only takes once to make me leery. I'm also tired of the ongoing auras. They're less, but not gone. And at this point, the leaning is much more that I have some weird migraine variant. My neuro in fact is very much thinking at this point I don't have E, but not totally ruling it out. So, anyone here successfully on Lamictal?
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