Looking for a book to read for book club

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I belong to an epilepsy book club that just started. We meet once a week and talk about the book we are reading. We just finished a book that was written by a man with epilepsy. It tells about his life and the things that he has dealt with due to epilepsy. Seizures, people, doctors, medicine, jobs and so much more. He didn't let epilepsy stop him from doing things and he has a great family and job now.

We're going to read another book this fall. I wondered if anyone had any suggestions?
Does it specifically need to be about epilepsy or be written by an author with epilepsy? I'm sure I could probably put a list together of books written by authors with epilepsy, but may or may not epilepsy-related in the content.
It has to be a book with something to do with epilepsy. Not sure if it has to be non-fiction or if it can be fiction too.

We just read A Mind Unraveled by Kurt Eichenwald
It is a book about his life starting with when he was diagnosed with epilepsy going on to when he published the book
It has to be a book with something to do with epilepsy. Not sure if it has to be non-fiction or if it can be fiction too.

We just read A Mind Unraveled by Kurt Eichenwald
It is a book about his life starting with when he was diagnosed with epilepsy going on to when he published the book

Oh, I see. Not sure I know of many of those.
Did you and the others in your book club enjoy reading “A Mind Unraveled”? Would you recommend it as a good read?
Yes it was a very good book. I know I could relate to so many things in it and I'm sure other people could too. When he was talking about some of his drs, along with many other things and people, I said "OMG that happened to me too!"

You read about how he didn't give up on what he wanted to do, no matter what.

It was an easy book to read. It didn't have a ton of different people in it that you had to try to remember who they were. My memory's not that great so I really liked this.

I know he's got a few other books out there, not too sure what they are about. And one of his books was even made into a movie, it wasn't about epilepsy though.
Yes it was a very good book. I know I could relate to so many things in it and I'm sure other people could too. When he was talking about some of his drs, along with many other things and people, I said "OMG that happened to me too!"

You read about how he didn't give up on what he wanted to do, no matter what.

It was an easy book to read. It didn't have a ton of different people in it that you had to try to remember who they were. My memory's not that great so I really liked this.

I know he's got a few other books out there, not too sure what they are about. And one of his books was even made into a movie, it wasn't about epilepsy though.
Thanks. I enjoy reading certain memoirs and I’ve been trying to get myself to write a memoir. Actually, I could write a few memoirs about my life. Of course, one of my memoirs would be my epilepsy story.
Have you read “Lying Awake” by Mark Salzman? (Fiction) I recommend it.

My absolute favorite non-fiction epilepsy-related book is “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” by Anne Fadiman.
Hi Val,

Have you read the book titled " Under Siege Living Successfully with Epilepsy by Thomas McGranahan Jr.
It's a true story about how Tom dealt with epilepsy and we shouldn't fear it.

Another book is " The Epilepsy Diet Treatment" Ketogenic Diet by Dr. John Freeman
This book explains the ketogenic diet and how it works along with giving you a few recipes.

Wishing You and the club only the best and May God Bless You,

Thanks everyone. I'll send these books on to the woman who runs the group and let her know about them.
douglas adams, and the hitch hikers guide series, or the dirk gently series
That's fantastic to hear about your epilepsy book club! It's inspiring to explore different perspectives and experiences through literature. For your next read, considering the theme of resilience and overcoming challenges, you might find "The Sacred Disease: My Life with Epilepsy" by Kristin Seaborg intriguing. It offers a personal account of living with epilepsy and navigating life's ups and downs.
That's fantastic to hear about your epilepsy book club! It's inspiring to explore different perspectives and experiences through literature. For your next read, considering the theme of resilience and overcoming challenges, you might find "The Sacred Disease: My Life with Epilepsy" by Kristin Seaborg intriguing. It offers a personal account of living with epilepsy and navigating life's ups and downs.

On a different note, if you're ever in the mood for captivating fiction, I highly recommend diving into a Colleen Hoover series. Her novels are known for their emotional depth and compelling storytelling, making them perfect for sparking thought-provoking discussions in your book club.Here's to more adventures, both on the page and on the road!
This is not a book regarding Epilepsy (I'm already striking out) but rather dealing with a shitty memory. "Building a Second Brain" Watch a 5 min summary on YouTube and see if it interests you or people in your club.
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