Not sure if this game going to take off but crunchy and me stated few games which people enjoy.the aim is to take a few words from song film book speech you say if it music or what ever person who gets it right sets the next on
Example..lmusic Let It tumble. Next words would be let it tumble when sky falls addle
Or film. I said blow bloody......doors off .italian job
Literature to be.....answer or not to be that is the question the bard.
Diamond are.....answer for ever. take your pick song or film
It's been......hard days night Beatles
Speech its not what your country can's what you can do for country
I have......a dream MlK.
See what you think
Example..lmusic Let It tumble. Next words would be let it tumble when sky falls addle
Or film. I said blow bloody......doors off .italian job
Literature to be.....answer or not to be that is the question the bard.
Diamond are.....answer for ever. take your pick song or film
It's been......hard days night Beatles
Speech its not what your country can's what you can do for country
I have......a dream MlK.
See what you think